- IG_IMAGE_HTML_RESIZE string(44) "https://fotognom.ru/images/igallery/resized/"
- IG_IMAGE_ASSET_PATH string(46) "https://fotognom.ru/media/com_igallery/images/"
- →$this igViewcategory(36)
- contents
- Available methods (30)
- protected _name -> string(8) "category"
- →protected _models -> array(1)
- →'category' => igModelcategory(16)
- contents
- Available methods (63)
- protected text_prefix -> string(6) "COM_IG"
- protected event_after_delete -> string(20) "onContentAfterDelete"
- protected event_after_save -> string(18) "onContentAfterSave"
- protected event_before_delete -> string(21) "onContentBeforeDelete"
- protected event_before_save -> string(19) "onContentBeforeSave"
- protected event_change_state -> string(20) "onContentChangeState"
- protected _forms -> array(0)
- protected __state_set -> NULL
- →protected _db -> JDatabaseMySQLi(19)
- contents
- Available methods (81)
- Static class properties (1)
- public name -> string(6) "mysqli"
- protected nameQuote -> string(1) "`"
- protected nullDate -> string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00"
- protected dbMinimum -> string(5) "5.0.4"
- private _database -> string(17) "fotogno6_newphoto"
- →protected connection -> mysqli(19)
- contents
- Available methods (43)
- public affected_rows -> NULL
- public client_info -> NULL
- public client_version -> NULL
- public connect_errno -> NULL
- public connect_error -> NULL
- public errno -> NULL
- public error -> NULL
- public error_list -> NULL
- public field_count -> NULL
- public host_info -> NULL
- public info -> NULL
- public insert_id -> NULL
- public server_info -> NULL
- public server_version -> NULL
- public stat -> NULL
- public sqlstate -> NULL
- public protocol_version -> NULL
- public thread_id -> NULL
- public warning_count -> NULL
- →public static poll(array &$read, array &$write, array &$error, $sec, $usec)
Defined in :
- →public autocommit($mode)
Defined in :
- →public begin_transaction($flags, $name)
Defined in :
- →public change_user($user, $password, $database)
Defined in :
- →public character_set_name()
Defined in :
- →public close()
Defined in :
- →public commit($flags, $name)
Defined in :
- →public connect($host, $user, $password, $database, $port, $socket)
Defined in :
- →public debug($debug_options)
Defined in :
- →public dump_debug_info()
Defined in :
- →public escape_string($string_to_escape)
Defined in :
- →public get_charset()
Defined in :
- →public get_client_info()
Defined in :
- →public get_connection_stats()
Defined in :
- →public get_server_info()
Defined in :
- →public get_warnings()
Defined in :
- →public init()
Defined in :
- →public kill($connection_id)
Defined in :
- →public more_results()
Defined in :
- →public multi_query($query)
Defined in :
- →public mysqli($host, $user, $password, $database, $port, $socket)
Defined in :
- →public next_result()
Defined in :
- →public options($option, $value)
Defined in :
- →public ping()
Defined in :
- →public prepare($query)
Defined in :
- →public query($query)
Defined in :
- →public real_connect($host, $user, $password, $database, $port, $socket, $flags)
Defined in :
- →public real_escape_string($string_to_escape)
Defined in :
- →public real_query($query)
Defined in :
- →public reap_async_query()
Defined in :
- →public refresh($options)
Defined in :
- →public release_savepoint($name)
Defined in :
- →public rollback($flags, $name)
Defined in :
- →public savepoint($name)
Defined in :
- →public select_db($database)
Defined in :
- →public set_charset($charset)
Defined in :
- →public set_opt($option, $value)
Defined in :
- →public ssl_set($key, $cert, $certificate_authority, $certificate_authority_path, $cipher)
Defined in :
- →public stat()
Defined in :
- →public stmt_init()
Defined in :
- →public store_result($flags)
Defined in :
- →public thread_safe()
Defined in :
- →public use_result()
Defined in :
- protected count -> integer0
- →protected cursor -> mysqli_result(5)
- contents
- Available methods (14)
- Iterator contents (0)
- public current_field -> NULL
- public field_count -> NULL
- public lengths -> NULL
- public num_rows -> NULL
- public type -> NULL
- →public __construct()
Defined in :
- →public close()
Defined in :
- →public data_seek($offset)
Defined in :
- →public fetch_all()
Defined in :
- →public fetch_array($result_type)
Defined in :
- →public fetch_assoc()
Defined in :
- →public fetch_field()
Defined in :
- →public fetch_field_direct($field_nr)
Defined in :
- →public fetch_fields()
Defined in :
- →public fetch_object($class_name, array $params)
Defined in :
- →public fetch_row()
Defined in :
- →public field_seek($field_nr)
Defined in :
- →public free()
Defined in :
- →public free_result()
Defined in :
- protected debug -> boolFALSE
- protected limit -> integer0
- protected log -> array(0)
- protected offset -> integer0
- protected sql -> string(38) "SELECT * FROM #__igallery WHERE id = 1"
- protected tablePrefix -> string(6) "q79gw_"
- protected utf -> boolTRUE
- protected errorNum -> integer0
- protected errorMsg -> string(0) ""
- protected hasQuoted -> boolFALSE
- protected quoted -> array(0)
- →public static getConnectors() -> array An array of available database connectors.
Get a list of available database connectors. The list will only be populated with connectors that both the class exists and the static test method returns true. This gives us the ability to have a multitude of connector classes that are self-aware as to whether or not they are able to be used on a given system. @return array An array of available database connectors. @since 11.1 Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:183
- →public static getInstance($options = array()) -> JDatabase A database object.
Method to return a JDatabase instance based on the given options. There are three global options and then the rest are specific to the database driver. The 'driver' option defines which JDatabaseDriver class is used for the connection -- the default is 'mysql'. The 'database' option determines which database is to be used for the connection. The 'select' option determines whether the connector should automatically select the chosen database. Instances are unique to the given options and new objects are only created when a unique options array is passed into the method. This ensures that we don't end up with unnecessary database connection resources. @param array $options Parameters to be passed to the database driver. @return JDatabase A database object. @since 11.1 Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:254
- →public static splitSql($sql) -> array The queries from the input string separated into an array.
Splits a string of multiple queries into an array of individual queries. @param string $sql Input SQL string with which to split into individual queries. @return array The queries from the input string separated into an array. @since 11.1 Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:366
- →public static test() -> boolean True on success, false otherwise.
Test to see if the MySQL connector is available. @return boolean True on success, false otherwise. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysqli.php:174
- →public __call($method, $args) -> string The aliased method's return value or null.
Magic method to provide method alias support for quote() and quoteName(). @param string $method The called method. @param array $args The array of arguments passed to the method. @return string The aliased method's return value or null. @since 11.1 Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:424
- →public __destruct()
Destructor. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysqli.php:137
- →public addQuoted($quoted) -> void
Adds a field or array of field names to the list that are to be quoted. @param mixed $quoted Field name or array of names. @return void @deprecated 12.1 @since 11.1 Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:476
- →public connected() -> boolean True if connected to the database engine.
Determines if the connection to the server is active. @return boolean True if connected to the database engine. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysqli.php:186
- →public debug($level) -> void
Sets the debug level on or off @param integer $level 0 to disable debugging and 1 to enable it. @return void @deprecated 12.1 @since 11.1 Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:1703
- →public dropTable($tableName, $ifExists = true) -> JDatabaseMySQL Returns this object to support chaining.
Drops a table from the database. @param string $tableName The name of the database table to drop. @param boolean $ifExists Optionally specify that the table must exist before it is dropped. @return JDatabaseMySQL Returns this object to support chaining. @since 11.1 @throws JDatabaseException Inherited from JDatabaseMySQL Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php:200
- →public escape($text, $extra = false) -> string The escaped string.
Method to escape a string for usage in an SQL statement. @param string $text The string to be escaped. @param boolean $extra Optional parameter to provide extra escaping. @return string The escaped string. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysqli.php:155
- →public execute() -> mixed A database cursor resource on success, boolean false on failure.
Execute the SQL statement. @return mixed A database cursor resource on success, boolean false on failure. @since 11.1 @throws JDatabaseException Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysqli.php:339
- →public explain() -> string The explain output.
Diagnostic method to return explain information for a query. @return string The explain output. @since 11.1 @deprecated 12.1 Inherited from JDatabaseMySQL Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php:737
- →public getAffectedRows() -> integer The number of affected rows.
Get the number of affected rows for the previous executed SQL statement. @return integer The number of affected rows. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysqli.php:203
- →public getCollation() -> mixed The collation in use by the database (string) or boolean false if not supported.
Method to get the database collation in use by sampling a text field of a table in the database. @return mixed The collation in use by the database (string) or boolean false if not supported. @since 11.1 @throws JDatabaseException Inherited from JDatabaseMySQL Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php:231
- →public getConnection() -> resource The underlying database connection resource.
Method that provides access to the underlying database connection. Useful for when you need to call a proprietary method such as postgresql's lo_* methods. @return resource The underlying database connection resource. @since 11.1 Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:598
- →public getCount() -> integer
Get the total number of SQL statements executed by the database driver. @return integer @since 11.1 Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:610
- →public getDateFormat() -> string The format string.
Returns a PHP date() function compliant date format for the database driver. @return string The format string. @since 11.1 Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:634
- →public getErrorMsg($escaped = false) -> string The error message for the most recent query.
Gets the error message from the database connection. @param boolean $escaped True to escape the message string for use in JavaScript. @return string The error message for the most recent query. @deprecated 12.1 @since 11.1 Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:1731
- →public getErrorNum() -> integer The error number for the most recent query.
Gets the error number from the database connection. @return integer The error number for the most recent query. @since 11.1 @deprecated 12.1 Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:1754
- →public getEscaped($text, $extra = false) -> string The escaped string.
Method to escape a string for usage in an SQL statement. @param string $text The string to be escaped. @param boolean $extra Optional parameter to provide extra escaping. @return string The escaped string. @since 11.1 @deprecated 12.1 Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:1773
- →public getExporter() -> JDatabaseExporterMySQLi An exporter object.
Gets an exporter class object. @return JDatabaseExporterMySQLi An exporter object. @since 11.1 @throws JDatabaseException Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysqli.php:216
- →public getImporter() -> JDatabaseImporterMySQLi An importer object.
Gets an importer class object. @return JDatabaseImporterMySQLi An importer object. @since 11.1 @throws JDatabaseException Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysqli.php:238
- →public getLimit() -> integer The affected row limit for the current SQL statement.
Get the row limit for the current SQL statement. @return integer The affected row limit for the current SQL statement. @since 2.5.17 (CMS Only) @deprecated 3.0 Required for SQLSRV support for 2.5 only Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:647
- →public getLog() -> array SQL statements executed by the database driver.
Get the database driver SQL statement log. @return array SQL statements executed by the database driver. @since 11.1 Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:659
- →public getMinimum() -> string The minimum version number for the database driver.
Get the minimum supported database version. @return string The minimum version number for the database driver. @since 12.1 Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:671
- →public getNullDate() -> string Null or zero representation of a timestamp.
Get the null or zero representation of a timestamp for the database driver. @return string Null or zero representation of a timestamp. @since 11.1 Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:683
- →public getNumRows($cursor = NULL) -> integer The number of returned rows.
Get the number of returned rows for the previous executed SQL statement. @param resource $cursor An optional database cursor resource to extract the row count from. @return integer The number of returned rows. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysqli.php:261
- →public getOffset() -> integer The affected row offset to apply for the current SQL statement.
Get the row offset for the current SQL statement. @return integer The affected row offset to apply for the current SQL statement. @since 2.5.17 (CMS Only) @deprecated 3.0 Required for SQLSRV support for 2.5 only Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:707
- →public getPrefix() -> string The common database table prefix.
Get the common table prefix for the database driver. @return string The common database table prefix. @since 11.1 Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:719
- →public getQuery($new = false) -> mixed The current value of the internal SQL variable or a new JDatabaseQuery object.
Get the current or query, or new JDatabaseQuery object. @param boolean $new False to return the last query set, True to return a new JDatabaseQuery object. @return mixed The current value of the internal SQL variable or a new JDatabaseQuery object. @since 11.1 @throws JDatabaseException Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysqli.php:276
- →public getTableColumns($table, $typeOnly = true) -> array An array of fields for the database table.
Retrieves field information about a given table. @param string $table The name of the database table. @param boolean $typeOnly True to only return field types. @return array An array of fields for the database table. @since 11.1 @throws JDatabaseException Inherited from JDatabaseMySQL Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php:364
- →public getTableCreate($tables) -> array A list of the create SQL for the tables.
Shows the table CREATE statement that creates the given tables. @param mixed $tables A table name or a list of table names. @return array A list of the create SQL for the tables. @since 11.1 @throws JDatabaseException Inherited from JDatabaseMySQL Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php:333
- →public getTableFields($tables, $typeOnly = true) -> array An array of fields by table.
Retrieves field information about the given tables. @param mixed $tables A table name or a list of table names. @param boolean $typeOnly True to only return field types. @return array An array of fields by table. @since 11.1 @throws JDatabaseException @deprecated 12.1 Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:1793
- →public getTableKeys($table) -> array An array of the column specification for the table.
Get the details list of keys for a table. @param string $table The name of the table. @return array An array of the column specification for the table. @since 11.1 @throws JDatabaseException Inherited from JDatabaseMySQL Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php:402
- →public getTableList() -> array An array of all the tables in the database.
Method to get an array of all tables in the database. @return array An array of all the tables in the database. @since 11.1 @throws JDatabaseException Inherited from JDatabaseMySQL Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php:419
- →public getTicker() -> integer
Get the total number of SQL statements executed by the database driver. @return integer @since 11.1 @deprecated 12.1 Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:1818
- →public getUTFSupport() -> boolean True if the database engine supports UTF-8 character encoding.
Determine whether or not the database engine supports UTF-8 character encoding. @return boolean True if the database engine supports UTF-8 character encoding. @since 11.1 Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:790
- →public getVersion() -> string The database connector version.
Get the version of the database connector. @return string The database connector version. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysqli.php:300
- →public hasUTF() -> boolean True if supported.
Determines if the database engine supports UTF-8 character encoding. @return boolean True if supported. @since 11.1 @deprecated 12.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysqli.php:313
- →public insertObject($table, &$object, $key = NULL) -> boolean True on success.
Inserts a row into a table based on an object's properties. @param string $table The name of the database table to insert into. @param object &$object A reference to an object whose public properties match the table fields. @param string $key The name of the primary key. If provided the object property is updated. @return boolean True on success. @since 11.1 @throws JDatabaseException Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:836
- →public insertid() -> integer The value of the auto-increment field from the last inserted row.
Method to get the auto-incremented value from the last INSERT statement. @return integer The value of the auto-increment field from the last inserted row. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysqli.php:326
- →public isMinimumVersion() -> boolean True if the database version is supported
Method to check whether the installed database version is supported by the database driver @return boolean True if the database version is supported @since 12.1 Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:889
- →public isQuoted($field) -> bool
Checks if field name needs to be quoted. @param string $field The field name to be checked. @return bool @deprecated 12.1 @since 11.1 Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:1836
- →public loadAssoc() -> mixed The return value or null if the query failed.
Method to get the first row of the result set from the database query as an associative array of ['field_name' => 'row_value']. @return mixed The return value or null if the query failed. @since 11.1 @throws JDatabaseException Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:903
- →public loadAssocList($key = NULL, $column = NULL) -> mixed The return value or null if the query failed.
Method to get an array of the result set rows from the database query where each row is an associative array of ['field_name' => 'row_value']. The array of rows can optionally be keyed by a field name, but defaults to a sequential numeric array. NOTE: Chosing to key the result array by a non-unique field name can result in unwanted behavior and should be avoided. @param string $key The name of a field on which to key the result array. @param string $column An optional column name. Instead of the whole row, only this column value will be in the result array. @return mixed The return value or null if the query failed. @since 11.1 @throws JDatabaseException Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:943
- →public loadColumn($offset = 0) -> mixed The return value or null if the query failed.
Method to get an array of values from the <var>$offset</var> field in each row of the result set from the database query. @param integer $offset The row offset to use to build the result array. @return mixed The return value or null if the query failed. @since 11.1 @throws JDatabaseException Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:985
- →public loadNextObject($class = stdClass) -> mixed The result of the query as an array, false if there are no more rows.
Method to get the next row in the result set from the database query as an object. @param string $class The class name to use for the returned row object. @return mixed The result of the query as an array, false if there are no more rows. @since 11.1 @throws JDatabaseException Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:1018
- →public loadNextRow() -> mixed The result of the query as an array, false if there are no more rows.
Method to get the next row in the result set from the database query as an array. @return mixed The result of the query as an array, false if there are no more rows. @since 11.1 @throws JDatabaseException Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:1049
- →public loadObject($class = stdClass) -> mixed The return value or null if the query failed.
Method to get the first row of the result set from the database query as an object. @param string $class The class name to use for the returned row object. @return mixed The return value or null if the query failed. @since 11.1 @throws JDatabaseException Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:1082
- →public loadObjectList($key = "", $class = stdClass) -> mixed The return value or null if the query failed.
Method to get an array of the result set rows from the database query where each row is an object. The array of objects can optionally be keyed by a field name, but defaults to a sequential numeric array. NOTE: Choosing to key the result array by a non-unique field name can result in unwanted behavior and should be avoided. @param string $key The name of a field on which to key the result array. @param string $class The class name to use for the returned row objects. @return mixed The return value or null if the query failed. @since 11.1 @throws JDatabaseException Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:1120
- →public loadResult() -> mixed The return value or null if the query failed.
Method to get the first field of the first row of the result set from the database query. @return mixed The return value or null if the query failed. @since 11.1 @throws JDatabaseException Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:1158
- →public loadResultArray($offset = 0) -> mixed The return value or null if the query failed.
Method to get an array of values from the <var>$offset</var> field in each row of the result set from the database query. @param integer $offset The row offset to use to build the result array. @return mixed The return value or null if the query failed. @since 11.1 @throws JDatabaseException @deprecated 12.1 Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:1863
- →public loadRow() -> mixed The return value or null if the query failed.
Method to get the first row of the result set from the database query as an array. Columns are indexed numerically so the first column in the result set would be accessible via <var>$row[0]</var>, etc. @return mixed The return value or null if the query failed. @since 11.1 @throws JDatabaseException Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:1190
- →public loadRowList($key = NULL) -> mixed The return value or null if the query failed.
Method to get an array of the result set rows from the database query where each row is an array. The array of objects can optionally be keyed by a field offset, but defaults to a sequential numeric array. NOTE: Choosing to key the result array by a non-unique field can result in unwanted behavior and should be avoided. @param string $key The name of a field on which to key the result array. @return mixed The return value or null if the query failed. @since 11.1 @throws JDatabaseException Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:1227
- →public lockTable($table) -> JDatabaseMySQL Returns this object to support chaining.
Locks a table in the database. @param string $table The name of the table to unlock. @return JDatabaseMySQL Returns this object to support chaining. @since 11.4 @throws JDatabaseException Inherited from JDatabaseMySQL Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php:476
- →public nameQuote($name) -> string The quote wrapped name.
Wrap an SQL statement identifier name such as column, table or database names in quotes to prevent injection risks and reserved word conflicts. @param string $name The identifier name to wrap in quotes. @return string The quote wrapped name. @since 11.1 @deprecated 12.1 Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:1882
- →public query() -> mixed A database cursor resource on success, boolean false on failure.
Execute the SQL statement. @return mixed A database cursor resource on success, boolean false on failure. @since 11.1 @throws JDatabaseException Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:1277
- →public queryBatch($abortOnError = true, $transactionSafe = false) -> mixed A database resource if successful, false if not.
Execute a query batch. @param boolean $abortOnError Abort on error. @param boolean $transactionSafe Transaction safe queries. @return mixed A database resource if successful, false if not. @deprecated 12.1 @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysqli.php:526
- →public quote($text, $escape = true) -> string The quoted input string.
Method to quote and optionally escape a string to database requirements for insertion into the database. @param string $text The string to quote. @param boolean $escape True (default) to escape the string, false to leave it unchanged. @return string The quoted input string. @since 11.1 Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:1302
- →public quoteName($name, $as = NULL) -> mixed The quote wrapped name, same type of $name.
Wrap an SQL statement identifier name such as column, table or database names in quotes to prevent injection risks and reserved word conflicts. @param mixed $name The identifier name to wrap in quotes, or an array of identifier names to wrap in quotes. Each type supports dot-notation name. @param mixed $as The AS query part associated to $name. It can be string or array, in latter case it has to be same length of $name; if is null there will not be any AS part for string or array element. @return mixed The quote wrapped name, same type of $name. @since 11.1 Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:1320
- →public renameTable($oldTable, $newTable, $backup = NULL, $prefix = NULL) -> JDatabase Returns this object to support chaining.
Renames a table in the database. @param string $oldTable The name of the table to be renamed @param string $newTable The new name for the table. @param string $backup Not used by MySQL. @param string $prefix Not used by MySQL. @return JDatabase Returns this object to support chaining. @since 11.4 @throws JDatabaseException Inherited from JDatabaseMySQL Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php:575
- →public replacePrefix($sql, $prefix = #__) -> string The processed SQL statement.
This function replaces a string identifier <var>$prefix</var> with the string held is the <var>tablePrefix</var> class variable. @param string $sql The SQL statement to prepare. @param string $prefix The common table prefix. @return string The processed SQL statement. @since 11.1 Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:1403
- →public select($database) -> boolean True if the database was successfully selected.
Select a database for use. @param string $database The name of the database to select for use. @return boolean True if the database was successfully selected. @since 11.1 @throws JDatabaseException Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysqli.php:420
- →public setDebug($level) -> boolean The old debugging level.
Sets the database debugging state for the driver. @param boolean $level True to enable debugging. @return boolean The old debugging level. @since 11.1 Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:1523
- →public setQuery($query, $offset = 0, $limit = 0) -> JDatabase This object to support method chaining.
Sets the SQL statement string for later execution. @param mixed $query The SQL statement to set either as a JDatabaseQuery object or a string. @param integer $offset The affected row offset to set. @param integer $limit The maximum affected rows to set. @return JDatabase This object to support method chaining. @since 11.1 Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:1542
- →public setUTF() -> boolean True on success.
Set the connection to use UTF-8 character encoding. @return boolean True on success. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysqli.php:453
- →public stderr($showSQL = false) -> string The error message for the most recent query.
Return the most recent error message for the database connector. @param boolean $showSQL True to display the SQL statement sent to the database as well as the error. @return string The error message for the most recent query. @deprecated 12.1 @since 11.1 Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:1913
- →public transactionCommit() -> void
Method to commit a transaction. @return void @since 11.1 @throws JDatabaseException Inherited from JDatabaseMySQL Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php:638
- →public transactionRollback() -> void
Method to roll back a transaction. @return void @since 11.1 @throws JDatabaseException Inherited from JDatabaseMySQL Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php:652
- →public transactionStart() -> void
Method to initialize a transaction. @return void @since 11.1 @throws JDatabaseException Inherited from JDatabaseMySQL Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php:666
- →public truncateTable($table) -> void
Method to truncate a table. @param string $table The table to truncate @return void @since 11.3 @throws JDatabaseException Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:1600
- →public unlockTables() -> JDatabaseMySQL Returns this object to support chaining.
Unlocks tables in the database. @return JDatabaseMySQL Returns this object to support chaining. @since 11.4 @throws JDatabaseException Inherited from JDatabaseMySQL Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysql.php:849
- →public updateObject($table, &$object, $key, $nulls = false) -> boolean True on success.
Updates a row in a table based on an object's properties. @param string $table The name of the database table to update. @param object &$object A reference to an object whose public properties match the table fields. @param string $key The name of the primary key. @param boolean $nulls True to update null fields or false to ignore them. @return boolean True on success. @since 11.1 @throws JDatabaseException Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:1619
- →protected __construct($options)
Constructor. @param array $options List of options used to configure the connection @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysqli.php:42
- →protected fetchArray($cursor = NULL) -> mixed Either the next row from the result set or false if there are no more rows.
Method to fetch a row from the result set cursor as an array. @param mixed $cursor The optional result set cursor from which to fetch the row. @return mixed Either the next row from the result set or false if there are no more rows. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysqli.php:467
- →protected fetchAssoc($cursor = NULL) -> mixed Either the next row from the result set or false if there are no more rows.
Method to fetch a row from the result set cursor as an associative array. @param mixed $cursor The optional result set cursor from which to fetch the row. @return mixed Either the next row from the result set or false if there are no more rows. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysqli.php:481
- →protected fetchObject($cursor = NULL, $class = stdClass) -> mixed Either the next row from the result set or false if there are no more rows.
Method to fetch a row from the result set cursor as an object. @param mixed $cursor The optional result set cursor from which to fetch the row. @param string $class The class name to use for the returned row object. @return mixed Either the next row from the result set or false if there are no more rows. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysqli.php:496
- →protected freeResult($cursor = NULL) -> void
Method to free up the memory used for the result set. @param mixed $cursor The optional result set cursor from which to fetch the row. @return void @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database/mysqli.php:510
- →protected getDatabase() -> string
Gets the name of the database used by this conneciton. @return string @since 11.4 Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:622
- →protected quoteNameStr($strArr) -> string Dot-imploded string of quoted parts.
Quote strings coming from quoteName call. @param array $strArr Array of strings coming from quoteName dot-explosion. @return string Dot-imploded string of quoted parts. @since 11.3 Inherited from JDatabase Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/database/database.php:1367
- →protected $instances :: array(1)
- 'b766ac358ae5970e8f3a626f1ecb7c76' => JDatabaseMySQLi(19) *RECURSION*
- protected name -> string(8) "category"
- protected option -> string(6) "com_ig"
- →protected state -> JObject(3)
- contents
- Available methods (11)
- protected _errors -> array(0)
- public task -> string(0) ""
- →public parameters.menu -> JRegistry(1)
- contents
- Available methods (26)
- Static class properties (1)
- →protected data -> stdClass(12)
- public menu-anchor_title -> string(0) ""
- public menu-anchor_css -> string(0) ""
- public menu_image -> string(0) ""
- public menu_text -> integer1
- public page_title -> string UTF-8(62) "Профессиональная видеосъемка на мероприятия в Сергиевом Посаде"
- public show_page_heading -> integer0
- public page_heading -> string(0) ""
- public pageclass_sfx -> string(0) ""
- →public menu-meta_description -> string UTF-8(132) "Нанесение фотографии на металлокерамику для памятника или креста. Обработка изоб…"
Нанесение фотографии на металлокерамику для памятника или креста. Обработка изображения перед нанесением фото. Звоните: +79264437700
- public menu-meta_keywords -> string(0) ""
- public robots -> string(0) ""
- public secure -> integer0
- →public static getInstance($id) -> object The JRegistry object.
Returns a reference to a global JRegistry object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist. This method must be invoked as: <pre>$registry = JRegistry::getInstance($id);</pre> @param string $id An ID for the registry instance @return object The JRegistry object. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:201
- →public __clone() -> JRegistry
Magic function to clone the registry object. @return JRegistry @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:68
- →public __construct($data = NULL)
Constructor @param mixed $data The data to bind to the new JRegistry object. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:45
- →public __toString() -> string
Magic function to render this object as a string using default args of toString method. @return string @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:80
- →public def($key, $default = "") -> string The value set, or the default if the value was not previously set (or null).
Sets a default value if not already assigned. @param string $key The name of the parameter. @param string $default An optional value for the parameter. @return string The value set, or the default if the value was not previously set (or null). @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:95
- →public exists($path) -> boolean
Check if a registry path exists. @param string $path Registry path (e.g. joomla.content.showauthor) @return boolean @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:111
- →public get($path, $default = NULL) -> mixed Value of entry or null
Get a registry value. @param string $path Registry path (e.g. joomla.content.showauthor) @param mixed $default Optional default value, returned if the internal value is null. @return mixed Value of entry or null @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:151
- →public getNameSpaces() -> array List of namespaces
Get the list of namespaces @return array List of namespaces @deprecated 12.1 @note Namespaces are no longer supported. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:556
- →public getValue($path, $default = NULL) -> mixed Value of entry or null
Get a registry value @param string $path Registry path (e.g. joomla.content.showauthor) @param mixed $default Optional default value @return mixed Value of entry or null @deprecated 12.1 @note Use get instead. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:579
- →public loadArray($array) -> boolean True on success
Load a associative array of values into the default namespace @param array $array Associative array of value to load @return boolean True on success @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:220
- →public loadFile($file, $format = JSON, $options = array()) -> boolean True on success
Load the contents of a file into the registry @param string $file Path to file to load @param string $format Format of the file [optional: defaults to JSON] @param mixed $options Options used by the formatter @return boolean True on success @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:254
- →public loadINI($data, $namespace = NULL, $options = array()) -> boolean True on success
Load an INI string into the registry into the given namespace [or default if a namespace is not given] @param string $data INI formatted string to load into the registry @param string $namespace Namespace to load the INI string into [optional] @param mixed $options An array of options for the formatter, or boolean to process sections. @return boolean True on success @since 11.1 @deprecated 12.1 Use loadString passing INI as the format instead. Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:494
- →public loadJSON($data) -> boolean True on success
Load an JSON string into the registry into the given namespace [or default if a namespace is not given] @param string $data JSON formatted string to load into the registry @return boolean True on success @deprecated 12.1 Use loadString passing JSON as the format instead. @note Use loadString instead. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:515
- →public loadObject($object) -> boolean True on success
Load the public variables of the object into the default namespace. @param object $object The object holding the publics to load @return boolean True on success @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:236
- →public loadSetupFile() -> boolean True.
This method is added as an interim solution for API references in the Joomla! CMS 1.6 to the JRegistry object where in 1.5 a JParameter object existed. Because many extensions may call this method we add it here as a means of "pain relief" until the 1.8 release. @return boolean True. @deprecated 12.1 @note Load no longer supported. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:634
- →public loadString($data, $format = JSON, $options = array()) -> boolean True on success
Load a string into the registry @param string $data String to load into the registry @param string $format Format of the string @param mixed $options Options used by the formatter @return boolean True on success @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:274
- →public loadXML($data, $namespace = NULL) -> boolean True on success
Load an XML string into the registry into the given namespace [or default if a namespace is not given] @param string $data XML formatted string to load into the registry @param string $namespace Namespace to load the XML string into [optional] @return boolean True on success @since 11.1 @deprecated 12.1 Use loadString passing XML as the format instead. @note Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:471
- →public makeNameSpace($namespace) -> boolean True on success
Create a namespace @param string $namespace Name of the namespace to create @return boolean True on success @deprecated 12.1 @note Namespaces are no longer supported. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:536
- →public merge(&$source) -> boolean True on success
Merge a JRegistry object into this one @param JRegistry &$source Source JRegistry object to merge. @return boolean True on success @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:294
- →public set($path, $value) -> mixed The value of the that has been set.
Set a registry value. @param string $path Registry Path (e.g. joomla.content.showauthor) @param mixed $value Value of entry @return mixed The value of the that has been set. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:321
- →public setValue($path, $value) -> mixed The value after setting.
Set a registry value @param string $path Registry Path (e.g. joomla.content.showauthor) @param mixed $value Value of entry @return mixed The value after setting. @deprecated 12.1 @note Use set instead. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:607
- →public toArray() -> array An associative array holding the namespace data
Transforms a namespace to an array @return array An associative array holding the namespace data @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:355
- →public toObject() -> object An an object holding the namespace data
Transforms a namespace to an object @return object An an object holding the namespace data @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:367
- →public toString($format = JSON, $options = array()) -> string Namespace in string format
Get a namespace in a given string format @param string $format Format to return the string in @param mixed $options Parameters used by the formatter, see formatters for more info @return string Namespace in string format @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:382
- →protected asArray($data) -> array Array representation of the input object.
Method to recursively convert an object of data to an array. @param object $data An object of data to return as an array. @return array Array representation of the input object. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:435
- →protected bindData(&$parent, $data) -> void
Method to recursively bind data to a parent object. @param object &$parent The parent object on which to attach the data values. @param mixed $data An array or object of data to bind to the parent object. @return void @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:400
- protected $instances :: array(0)
- →public __construct($properties = NULL)
Class constructor, overridden in descendant classes. @param mixed $properties Either and associative array or another object to set the initial properties of the object. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:42
- →public __toString() -> string The classname.
Magic method to convert the object to a string gracefully. @return string The classname. @since 11.1 @deprecated 12.3 Classes should provide their own __toString() implementation. Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:58
- →public def($property, $default = NULL) -> mixed
Sets a default value if not alreay assigned @param string $property The name of the property. @param mixed $default The default value. @return mixed @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:73
- →public get($property, $default = NULL) -> mixed The value of the property.
Returns a property of the object or the default value if the property is not set. @param string $property The name of the property. @param mixed $default The default value. @return mixed The value of the property. @since 11.1 @see getProperties() Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:91
- →public getError($i = NULL, $toString = true) -> string Error message
Get the most recent error message. @param integer $i Option error index. @param boolean $toString Indicates if JError objects should return their error message. @return string Error message @since 11.1 @see JError @deprecated 12.3 JError has been deprecated Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:140
- →public getErrors() -> array Array of error messages or JErrors.
Return all errors, if any. @return array Array of error messages or JErrors. @since 11.1 @see JError @deprecated 12.3 JError has been deprecated Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:176
- →public getProperties($public = true) -> array
Returns an associative array of object properties. @param boolean $public If true, returns only the public properties. @return array @since 11.1 @see get() Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:111
- →public set($property, $value = NULL) -> mixed Previous value of the property.
Modifies a property of the object, creating it if it does not already exist. @param string $property The name of the property. @param mixed $value The value of the property to set. @return mixed Previous value of the property. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:191
- →public setError($error) -> void
Add an error message. @param string $error Error message. @return void @since 11.1 @see JError @deprecated 12.3 JError has been deprecated Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:235
- →public setProperties($properties) -> boolean
Set the object properties based on a named array/hash. @param mixed $properties Either an associative array or another object. @return boolean @since 11.1 @see set() Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:209
- →public toString() -> string
Converts the object to a string (the class name). @return string @since 11.1 @deprecated 12.1 Use magic method __toString() @see __toString() Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:249
- protected event_clean_cache -> string(19) "onContentCleanCache"
- protected _errors -> array(0)
- public menuTotal -> integer0
- public thumbTotal -> integer6
- →public static addIncludePath($path = "", $prefix = "") -> array An array with directory elements. If prefix is equal to '', all directories are returned.
Add a directory where JModel should search for models. You may either pass a string or an array of directories. @param mixed $path A path or array[sting] of paths to search. @param string $prefix A prefix for models. @return array An array with directory elements. If prefix is equal to '', all directories are returned. @since 11.1 Inherited from JModel Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/model.php:85
- →public static addTablePath($path) -> void
Adds to the stack of model table paths in LIFO order. @param mixed $path The directory as a string or directories as an array to add. @return void @since 11.1 Inherited from JModel Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/model.php:131
- →public static getInstance($type, $prefix = "", $config = array()) -> mixed A model object or false on failure
Returns a Model object, always creating it @param string $type The model type to instantiate @param string $prefix Prefix for the model class name. Optional. @param array $config Configuration array for model. Optional. @return mixed A model object or false on failure @since 11.1 Inherited from JModel Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/model.php:172
- →public __construct()
Defined in <ROOT>/components/com_igallery/models/category.php:8
- →public __toString() -> string The classname.
Magic method to convert the object to a string gracefully. @return string The classname. @since 11.1 @deprecated 12.3 Classes should provide their own __toString() implementation. Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:58
- →public addCategoryHit($catid)
Defined in <ROOT>/components/com_igallery/models/category.php:146
- →public batch($commands, $pks, $contexts) -> boolean Returns true on success, false on failure.
Method to perform batch operations on an item or a set of items. @param array $commands An array of commands to perform. @param array $pks An array of item ids. @param array $contexts An array of item contexts. @return boolean Returns true on success, false on failure. @since 11.1 Inherited from JModelAdmin Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/modeladmin.php:150
- →public checkin($pks = array()) -> mixed Boolean false if there is an error, otherwise the count of records checked in.
Method override to check-in a record or an array of record @param mixed $pks The ID of the primary key or an array of IDs @return mixed Boolean false if there is an error, otherwise the count of records checked in. @since 11.1 Inherited from JModelAdmin Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/modeladmin.php:574
- →public checkout($pk = NULL) -> boolean True if successful, false if an error occurs.
Method override to check-out a record. @param integer $pk The ID of the primary key. @return boolean True if successful, false if an error occurs. @since 11.1 Inherited from JModelAdmin Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/modeladmin.php:621
- →public def($property, $default = NULL) -> mixed
Sets a default value if not alreay assigned @param string $property The name of the property. @param mixed $default The default value. @return mixed @since 11.1 Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:73
- →public delete(&$pks) -> boolean True if successful, false if an error occurs.
Method to delete one or more records. @param array &$pks An array of record primary keys. @return boolean True if successful, false if an error occurs. @since 11.1 Inherited from JModelAdmin Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/modeladmin.php:638
- →public flattenNestedList($children, $needle = false, $collection = array())
Defined in <ROOT>/components/com_igallery/models/category.php:368
- →public gTreeRecurse($id, $list, &$children, $maxlevel = 9999, $level = 0)
Defined in <ROOT>/components/com_igallery/models/category.php:343
- →public get($property, $default = NULL) -> mixed The value of the property.
Returns a property of the object or the default value if the property is not set. @param string $property The name of the property. @param mixed $default The default value. @return mixed The value of the property. @since 11.1 @see getProperties() Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:91
- →public getCategory($id)
Defined in <ROOT>/components/com_igallery/models/category.php:18
- →public getCategoryChildren($catId, $profile)
Defined in <ROOT>/components/com_igallery/models/category.php:54
- →public getCategoryImagesList($profile, $catid, $tags, $child, $limit)
Defined in <ROOT>/components/com_igallery/models/category.php:242
- →public getChildList($parentId)
Defined in <ROOT>/components/com_igallery/models/category.php:298
- →public getDbo() -> JDatabase
Method to get the database driver object @return JDatabase Inherited from JModel Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/model.php:355
- →public getError($i = NULL, $toString = true) -> string Error message
Get the most recent error message. @param integer $i Option error index. @param boolean $toString Indicates if JError objects should return their error message. @return string Error message @since 11.1 @see JError @deprecated 12.3 JError has been deprecated Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:140
- →public getErrors() -> array Array of error messages or JErrors.
Return all errors, if any. @return array Array of error messages or JErrors. @since 11.1 @see JError @deprecated 12.3 JError has been deprecated Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:176
- →public getForm($data = array(), $loadData = true)
Defined in <ROOT>/components/com_igallery/models/category.php:13
- →public getHitsList($profile, $catid, $tags, $child, $limit)
Defined in <ROOT>/components/com_igallery/models/category.php:278
- →public getImagesList($select, $profile, $catid, $tags, $where, $order, $child, $limit, $rated = false)
Defined in <ROOT>/components/com_igallery/models/category.php:159
- →public getItem($pk = NULL) -> mixed Object on success, false on failure.
Method to get a single record. @param integer $pk The id of the primary key. @return mixed Object on success, false on failure. @since 11.1 Inherited from JModelAdmin Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/modeladmin.php:743
- →public getLatestList($profile, $catid, $tags, $child, $limit)
Defined in <ROOT>/components/com_igallery/models/category.php:268
- →public getName() -> string The name of the model
Method to get the model name The model name. By default parsed using the classname or it can be set by passing a $config['name'] in the class constructor @return string The name of the model @since 11.1 Inherited from JModel Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/model.php:370
- →public getPagination($total, $limit)
Defined in <ROOT>/components/com_igallery/models/category.php:47
- →public getProfile($id)
Defined in <ROOT>/components/com_igallery/models/category.php:39
- →public getProperties($public = true) -> array
Returns an associative array of object properties. @param boolean $public If true, returns only the public properties. @return array @since 11.1 @see get() Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:111
- →public getRandomList($profile, $catid, $tags, $child, $limit)
Defined in <ROOT>/components/com_igallery/models/category.php:258
- →public getRatedList($profile, $catid, $tags, $child, $limit)
Defined in <ROOT>/components/com_igallery/models/category.php:288
- →public getState($property = NULL, $default = NULL) -> object The property where specified, the state object where omitted
Method to get model state variables @param string $property Optional parameter name @param mixed $default Optional default value @return object The property where specified, the state object where omitted @since 11.1 Inherited from JModel Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/model.php:395
- →public getTable($type = igallery, $prefix = Table, $config = array())
Defined in <ROOT>/components/com_igallery/models/category.php:394
- →public publish(&$pks, $value = 1) -> boolean True on success.
Method to change the published state of one or more records. @param array &$pks A list of the primary keys to change. @param integer $value The value of the published state. @return boolean True on success. @since 11.1 Inherited from JModelAdmin Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/modeladmin.php:836
- →public reorder($pks, $delta = 0) -> mixed False on failure or error, true on success, null if the $pk is empty (no items selected).
Method to adjust the ordering of a row. Returns NULL if the user did not have edit privileges for any of the selected primary keys. @param integer $pks The ID of the primary key to move. @param integer $delta Increment, usually +1 or -1 @return mixed False on failure or error, true on success, null if the $pk is empty (no items selected). @since 11.1 Inherited from JModelAdmin Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/modeladmin.php:901
- →public save($data) -> boolean True on success, False on error.
Method to save the form data. @param array $data The form data. @return boolean True on success, False on error. @since 11.1 Inherited from JModelAdmin Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/modeladmin.php:970
- →public saveorder($pks = NULL, $order = NULL) -> mixed
Saves the manually set order of records. @param array $pks An array of primary key ids. @param integer $order +1 or -1 @return mixed @since 11.1 Inherited from JModelAdmin Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/modeladmin.php:1058
- →public set($property, $value = NULL) -> mixed Previous value of the property.
Modifies a property of the object, creating it if it does not already exist. @param string $property The name of the property. @param mixed $value The value of the property to set. @return mixed Previous value of the property. @since 11.1 Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:191
- →public setDbo(&$db) -> void
Method to set the database driver object @param JDatabase &$db A JDatabase based object @return void @since 11.1 Inherited from JModel Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/model.php:462
- →public setError($error) -> void
Add an error message. @param string $error Error message. @return void @since 11.1 @see JError @deprecated 12.3 JError has been deprecated Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:235
- →public setProperties($properties) -> boolean
Set the object properties based on a named array/hash. @param mixed $properties Either an associative array or another object. @return boolean @since 11.1 @see set() Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:209
- →public setState($property, $value = NULL) -> mixed The previous value of the property or null if not set.
Method to set model state variables @param string $property The name of the property. @param mixed $value The value of the property to set or null. @return mixed The previous value of the property or null if not set. @since 11.1 Inherited from JModel Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/model.php:477
- →public toString() -> string
Converts the object to a string (the class name). @return string @since 11.1 @deprecated 12.1 Use magic method __toString() @see __toString() Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:249
- →public validate($form, $data, $group = NULL) -> mixed Array of filtered data if valid, false otherwise.
Method to validate the form data. @param JForm $form The form to validate against. @param array $data The data to validate. @param string $group The name of the field group to validate. @return mixed Array of filtered data if valid, false otherwise. @see JFormRule @see JFilterInput @since 11.1 Inherited from JModelForm Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/modelform.php:258
- →protected static _createFileName($type, $parts = array()) -> string The filename
Create the filename for a resource @param string $type The resource type to create the filename for. @param array $parts An associative array of filename information. @return string The filename @since 11.1 Inherited from JModel Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/model.php:147
- →protected _createTable($name, $prefix = Table, $config = array()) -> mixed Model object or boolean false if failed
Method to load and return a model object. @param string $name The name of the view @param string $prefix The class prefix. Optional. @param array $config Configuration settings to pass to JTable::getInstance @return mixed Model object or boolean false if failed @since 11.1 @see JTable::getInstance Inherited from JModel Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/model.php:335
- →protected _getList($query, $limitstart = 0, $limit = 0) -> array An array of results.
Gets an array of objects from the results of database query. @param string $query The query. @param integer $limitstart Offset. @param integer $limit The number of records. @return array An array of results. @since 11.1 Inherited from JModel Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/model.php:298
- →protected _getListCount($query) -> integer Number of rows for query
Returns a record count for the query @param string $query The query. @return integer Number of rows for query @since 11.1 Inherited from JModel Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/model.php:315
- →protected batchAccess($value, $pks, $contexts) -> boolean True if successful, false otherwise and internal error is set.
Batch access level changes for a group of rows. @param integer $value The new value matching an Asset Group ID. @param array $pks An array of row IDs. @param array $contexts An array of item contexts. @return boolean True if successful, false otherwise and internal error is set. @since 11.1 Inherited from JModelAdmin Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/modeladmin.php:236
- →protected batchCopy($value, $pks, $contexts) -> mixed An array of new IDs on success, boolean false on failure.
Batch copy items to a new category or current. @param integer $value The new category. @param array $pks An array of row IDs. @param array $contexts An array of item contexts. @return mixed An array of new IDs on success, boolean false on failure. @since 11.1 Inherited from JModelAdmin Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/modeladmin.php:280
- →protected batchLanguage($value, $pks, $contexts) -> boolean True if successful, false otherwise and internal error is set.
Batch language changes for a group of rows. @param string $value The new value matching a language. @param array $pks An array of row IDs. @param array $contexts An array of item contexts. @return boolean True if successful, false otherwise and internal error is set. @since 11.3 Inherited from JModelAdmin Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/modeladmin.php:400
- →protected batchMove($value, $pks, $contexts) -> boolean True if successful, false otherwise and internal error is set.
Batch move items to a new category @param integer $value The new category ID. @param array $pks An array of row IDs. @param array $contexts An array of item contexts. @return boolean True if successful, false otherwise and internal error is set. @since 11.1 Inherited from JModelAdmin Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/modeladmin.php:444
- →protected canDelete($record) -> boolean True if allowed to delete the record. Defaults to the permission for the component.
Method to test whether a record can be deleted. @param object $record A record object. @return boolean True if allowed to delete the record. Defaults to the permission for the component. @since 11.1 Inherited from JModelAdmin Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/modeladmin.php:544
- →protected canEditState($record) -> boolean True if allowed to change the state of the record. Defaults to the permission for the component.
Method to test whether a record can be deleted. @param object $record A record object. @return boolean True if allowed to change the state of the record. Defaults to the permission for the component. @since 11.1 Inherited from JModelAdmin Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/modeladmin.php:559
- →protected cleanCache($group = NULL, $client_id = 0) -> void
Clean the cache @param string $group The cache group @param integer $client_id The ID of the client @return void @since 11.1 Inherited from JModel Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/model.php:492
- →protected generateNewTitle($category_id, $alias, $title) -> array Contains the modified title and alias.
Method to change the title & alias. @param integer $category_id The id of the category. @param string $alias The alias. @param string $title The title. @return array Contains the modified title and alias. @since 11.1 Inherited from JModelAdmin Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/modeladmin.php:721
- →protected getReorderConditions($table) -> array An array of conditions to add to ordering queries.
A protected method to get a set of ordering conditions. @param JTable $table A JTable object. @return array An array of conditions to add to ordering queries. @since 11.1 Inherited from JModelAdmin Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/modeladmin.php:785
- →protected loadForm($name, $source = NULL, $options = array(), $clear = false, $xpath = false) -> mixed JForm object on success, False on error.
Method to get a form object. @param string $name The name of the form. @param string $source The form source. Can be XML string if file flag is set to false. @param array $options Optional array of options for the form creation. @param boolean $clear Optional argument to force load a new form. @param string $xpath An optional xpath to search for the fields. @return mixed JForm object on success, False on error. @see JForm @since 11.1 Inherited from JModelForm Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/modelform.php:144
- →protected loadFormData() -> array The default data is an empty array.
Method to get the data that should be injected in the form. @return array The default data is an empty array. @since 11.1 Inherited from JModelForm Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/modelform.php:203
- →protected populateState() -> void
Stock method to auto-populate the model state. @return void @since 11.1 Inherited from JModelAdmin Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/modeladmin.php:797
- →protected prepareTable(&$table) -> void
Prepare and sanitise the table data prior to saving. @param JTable &$table A reference to a JTable object. @return void @since 11.1 Inherited from JModelAdmin Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/modeladmin.php:821
- →protected preprocessForm(JForm $form, $data, $group = content) -> void
Method to allow derived classes to preprocess the form. @param JForm $form A JForm object. @param mixed $data The data expected for the form. @param string $group The name of the plugin group to import (defaults to "content"). @return void @see JFormField @since 11.1 @throws Exception if there is an error in the form event. Inherited from JModelForm Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/modelform.php:221
- →protected _basePath -> string(53) "/var/www/fotogno6/public_html/components/com_igallery"
- Directory (4.00K)
- protected _defaultModel -> string(8) "category"
- protected _layout -> string(7) "default"
- protected _layoutExt -> string(3) "php"
- protected _layoutTemplate -> string(1) "_"
- →protected _path -> array(2)
- →'template' => array(2)
- string(75) "/var/www/fotogno6/public_html/templates/seoland/html/com_igallery/category/"
- →string(74) "/var/www/fotogno6/public_html/components/com_igallery/views/category/tmpl/"
- Directory (4.00K)
- →'helper' => array(1)
- →string(62) "/var/www/fotogno6/public_html/components/com_igallery/helpers/"
- Directory (4.00K)
- →protected _template -> string(92) "/var/www/fotogno6/public_html/components/com_igallery/views/category/tmpl/defaul…"
- contents
- File (7.23K)
- protected _output -> NULL
- protected _escape -> string(16) "htmlspecialchars"
- protected _charset -> string(5) "UTF-8"
- protected _errors -> array(0)
- public baseurl -> string(0) ""
- →public document -> JDocumentHTML(31)
- contents
- Available methods (61)
- Static class properties (2)
- public _links -> array(0)
- public _custom -> array(0)
- public template -> NULL
- public baseurl -> NULL
- public params -> NULL
- public _file -> NULL
- protected _template -> string(0) ""
- protected _template_tags -> array(0)
- protected _caching -> NULL
- public title -> string UTF-8(14) "Художественная"
- public description -> NULL
- public link -> string(0) ""
- public base -> string(54) "https://fotognom.ru/uslugi/fotosemka/khudozhestvennaya"
- public language -> string(5) "ru-ru"
- public direction -> string(3) "ltr"
- public _generator -> string(40) "Joomla! - Open Source Content Management"
- public _mdate -> string(0) ""
- →public _tab -> string(2) " "
- →public _lineEnd -> string(1) " "
- public _charset -> string(5) "utf-8"
- public _mime -> string(9) "text/html"
- public _namespace -> string(0) ""
- public _profile -> string(0) ""
- →public _scripts -> array(4)
mime defer async "/media/system/js/mootools-core.js" "text/javascript" FALSE FALSE "/media/system/js/core.js" "text/javascript" FALSE FALSE "/media/system/js/mootools-more.js" "text/javascript" FALSE FALSE "https://fotognom.ru/media/com_igallery/js/category_mt13.js" "text/javascript" FALSE FALSE
- →public _script -> array(1)
- →'text/javascript' => string UTF-8(7133) " //make arrays and classes for the category: Художественная (id= 3) window.addEv…"
//make arrays and classes for the category: Художественная (id= 3) window.addEvent('load', function() { if( $chk( document.id('main_images_wrapper3') ) ) { var idArray3 = [212,213,214,215,216,234]; var jsonImagesObject3 = { "general": [ {"url": "", "targetBlank": 1, "hits": 0, "alt": ""}, {"url": "", "targetBlank": 1, "hits": 0, "alt": ""}, {"url": "", "targetBlank": 1, "hits": 0, "alt": ""}, {"url": "", "targetBlank": 1, "hits": 0, "alt": ""}, {"url": "", "targetBlank": 1, "hits": 0, "alt": ""}, {"url": "", "targetBlank": 1, "hits": 0, "alt": ""} ], "main": [ {"filename": "201-300/hudog_5-212-600-450-80.jpg", "width": 298, "height": 450}, {"filename": "201-300/hudog_1-213-600-450-80.jpg", "width": 600, "height": 399}, {"filename": "201-300/hudog_2-214-600-450-80.jpg", "width": 600, "height": 399}, {"filename": "201-300/hudog_3-215-600-450-80.jpg", "width": 300, "height": 450}, {"filename": "201-300/hudog_4-216-600-450-80.jpg", "width": 299, "height": 450}, {"filename": "201-300/DSC_6479_______2-234-600-450-80.jpg", "width": 600, "height": 399} ], "thumbs": [ {"filename": "201-300/hudog_5-212-120-90-80-c.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90}, {"filename": "201-300/hudog_1-213-120-90-80-c.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90}, {"filename": "201-300/hudog_2-214-120-90-80-c.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90}, {"filename": "201-300/hudog_3-215-120-90-80-c.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90}, {"filename": "201-300/hudog_4-216-120-90-80-c.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90}, {"filename": "201-300/DSC_6479_______2-234-120-90-80-c.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90} ] , "lbox": [ {"filename": "201-300/hudog_5-212-800-600-80.jpg", "width": 398, "height": 600}, {"filename": "201-300/hudog_1-213-800-600-80.jpg", "width": 800, "height": 532}, {"filename": "201-300/hudog_2-214-800-600-80.jpg", "width": 800, "height": 532}, {"filename": "201-300/hudog_3-215-800-600-80.jpg", "width": 400, "height": 600}, {"filename": "201-300/hudog_4-216-800-600-80.jpg", "width": 399, "height": 600}, {"filename": "201-300/DSC_6479_______2-234-800-600-80.jpg", "width": 800, "height": 532} ], "lboxThumbs": [ {"filename": "201-300/hudog_5-212-120-90-80-c.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90}, {"filename": "201-300/hudog_1-213-120-90-80-c.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90}, {"filename": "201-300/hudog_2-214-120-90-80-c.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90}, {"filename": "201-300/hudog_3-215-120-90-80-c.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90}, {"filename": "201-300/hudog_4-216-120-90-80-c.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90}, {"filename": "201-300/DSC_6479_______2-234-120-90-80-c.jpg", "width": 120, "height": 90} ] }; var igalleryInt = new Class(igalleryClass); var igalleryMain3 = new igalleryInt ({ allowComments: 0, allowRating: 0, alRatingsContainer: 'main_alratings3', catid: '3', calledFrom: 'component', desContainer: 'main_des_container3', desPostion: 'below', downArrow: 'main_down_arrow3', downloadType: 'none', downloadId: 'main_download_button3', host: 'https://fotognom.ru/', fadeDuration: 50, facebookContainer: 'main_facebook_share3', facebookShare: 0, facebookCommentsContainer: 'main_fbcomments3', facebookCommentsNumPosts: 5, facebookColor: 'light', facebookAppid: 0, idArray: idArray3, imageAssetPath: 'https://fotognom.ru/media/com_igallery/images/', jCommentsMain: 'main_jcomments_wrapper3', jCommentsLbox: 'lbox_jcomments_wrapper3', joomCommentContainer: 'main_joomcomment_wrapper3', jsonImages: jsonImagesObject3, jsonImagesImageType: jsonImagesObject3.main, largeImage: 'main_large_image3', lboxDark: 'lbox_dark3', lboxWhite: 'lbox_white3', lboxScalable: 0, lightboxWidth: 824, lightboxOn: 1, leftArrow: 'main_left_arrow3', magnify: 1, main: 1, mainWrapper: 'main_images_wrapper3', numPics: 6, numberingOn: 0, numberingContainer: 'main_img_numbering3', showPlusOne: 0, plusOneButton: 'main_plus_one_button3', preload: 1, prefix: 'main', resizePath: 'https://fotognom.ru/images/igallery/resized/', refreshMode: 'hash', reportImage: 0, reportContainer: 'main_report3', rightArrow: 'main_right_arrow3', scrollBoundary: 200, scrollSpeed: 0.07, showDescriptions: 1, showUpDown: 0, showLeftRight: 0, showLargeImage: 1, showThumbs: 1, showSlideshowControls: 0, showTags: 0, slideshowAutostart: 0, slideshowPause: 3000, slideshowForward: 'slideshow_forward3', slideshowPlay: 'slideshow_play3', slideshowRewind: 'slideshow_rewind3', tagsContainer: 'main_tags_container3', thumbContainer: 'main_thumb_container3', thumbPostion: 'below', thumbTable: 'main_thumb_table3', uniqueid: '3', style: 'grey-border-shadow', upArrow: 'main_up_arrow3' }); var igalleryLbox3 = new igalleryInt ({ allowComments: 0, allowRating: 0, alRatingsContainer: 'lbox_alratings3', catid: '3', calledFrom: 'component', closeImage: 'closeImage3', desContainer: 'lbox_des_container3', desPostion: 'below', downArrow: 'lbox_down_arrow3', downloadId: 'lbox_download_button3', downloadType: 'none', host: 'https://fotognom.ru/', fadeDuration: 50, facebookShare: 0, facebookContainer: 'lbox_facebook_share3', facebookCommentsContainer: 'lbox_fbcomments3', facebookCommentsNumPosts: 5, facebookAppid: 0, facebookColor: 'light', idArray: idArray3, imageAssetPath: 'https://fotognom.ru/media/com_igallery/images/', jsonImages: jsonImagesObject3, jsonImagesImageType: jsonImagesObject3.lbox, joomCommentContainer: 'lbox_joomcomment_wrapper3', largeImage: 'lbox_large_image3', lboxDark: 'lbox_dark3', lboxWhite: 'lbox_white3', lboxScalable: 0, lightboxWidth: 824, leftArrow: 'lbox_left_arrow3', lightboxOn: 1, mainWrapper: 'lbox_white3', magnify: 1, main: 0, numPics: 6, numberingOn: 0, numberingContainer: 'lbox_img_numbering3', showPlusOne: 0, plusOneButton: 'lbox_plus_one_button3', preload: 1, prefix: 'lbox', resizePath: 'https://fotognom.ru/images/igallery/resized/', reportImage: 0, reportContainer: 'lbox_report3', rightArrow: 'lbox_right_arrow3', refreshMode: 'javascript', scrollBoundary: 200, scrollSpeed: 0.07, showDescriptions: 1, showUpDown: 0, showLeftRight: 0, showLargeImage: 1, showThumbs: 1, showTags: 0, showSlideshowControls: 0, slideshowAutostart: 0, slideshowForward: 'lbox_slideshow_forward3', slideshowPlay: 'lbox_slideshow_play3', slideshowRewind: 'lbox_slideshow_rewind3', slideshowPause: 3000, style: 'grey-border-shadow', tagsContainer: 'lbox_tags_container3', thumbContainer: 'lbox_thumb_container3', thumbPostion: 'below', thumbTable: 'lbox_thumb_table3', uniqueid: '3', upArrow: 'lbox_up_arrow3' }); igalleryMain3.lboxGalleryObject = igalleryLbox3; igalleryLbox3.mainGalleryObject = igalleryMain3; } });
- →public _styleSheets -> array(3)
mime media attribs "https://fotognom.ru/media/com_igallery/css/grey-border-shadow.css" "text/css" NULL array(0) "https://fotognom.ru/media/com_igallery/css/category.css" "text/css" NULL array(0) "https://fotognom.ru/media/com_igallery/css/lightbox.css" "text/css" NULL array(0)
- public _style -> array(0)
- →public _metaTags -> array(2)
- →'http-equiv' => array(1)
- 'content-type' => string(9) "text/html"
- →'standard' => array(2)
- 'keywords' => NULL
- 'rights' => NULL
- public _engine -> NULL
- public _type -> string(4) "html"
- protected _errors -> array(0)
- →public static getInstance($type = html, $attributes = array()) -> object The document object.
Returns the global JDocument object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist. @param string $type The document type to instantiate @param array $attributes Array of attributes @return object The document object. @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:264
- →public __construct($options = array())
Class constructor @param array $options Associative array of options @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/html/html.php:103
- →public __toString() -> string The classname.
Magic method to convert the object to a string gracefully. @return string The classname. @since 11.1 @deprecated 12.3 Classes should provide their own __toString() implementation. Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:58
- →public _getLineEnd() -> string
Returns the lineEnd @return string @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:870
- →public _getTab() -> string
Returns a string containing the unit for indenting HTML @return string @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:898
- →public addCustomTag($html) -> JDocumentHTML instance of $this to allow chaining
Adds a custom HTML string to the head block @param string $html The HTML to add to the head @return JDocumentHTML instance of $this to allow chaining @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/html/html.php:301
- →public addFavicon($href, $type = image/vnd.microsoft.icon, $relation = shortcut icon) -> JDocumentHTML instance of $this to allow chaining
Adds a shortcut icon (favicon) This adds a link to the icon shown in the favorites list or on the left of the url in the address bar. Some browsers display it on the tab, as well. @param string $href The link that is being related. @param string $type File type @param string $relation Relation of link @return JDocumentHTML instance of $this to allow chaining @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/html/html.php:284
- →public addHeadLink($href, $relation, $relType = rel, $attribs = array()) -> JDocumentHTML instance of $this to allow chaining
Adds <link> tags to the head of the document $relType defaults to 'rel' as it is the most common relation type used. ('rev' refers to reverse relation, 'rel' indicates normal, forward relation.) Typical tag: <link href="/index.php" rel="Start"> @param string $href The link that is being related. @param string $relation Relation of link. @param string $relType Relation type attribute. Either rel or rev (default: 'rel'). @param array $attribs Associative array of remaining attributes. @return JDocumentHTML instance of $this to allow chaining @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/html/html.php:260
- →public addScript($url, $type = text/javascript, $defer = false, $async = false) -> JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining
Adds a linked script to the page @param string $url URL to the linked script @param string $type Type of script. Defaults to 'text/javascript' @param boolean $defer Adds the defer attribute. @param boolean $async Adds the async attribute. @return JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:461
- →public addScriptDeclaration($content, $type = text/javascript) -> JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining
Adds a script to the page @param string $content Script @param string $type Scripting mime (defaults to 'text/javascript') @return JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:480
- →public addStyleDeclaration($content, $type = text/css) -> JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining
Adds a stylesheet declaration to the page @param string $content Style declarations @param string $type Type of stylesheet (defaults to 'text/css') @return JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:525
- →public addStyleSheet($url, $type = text/css, $media = NULL, $attribs = array()) -> JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining
Adds a linked stylesheet to the page @param string $url URL to the linked style sheet @param string $type Mime encoding type @param string $media Media type that this stylesheet applies to @param array $attribs Array of attributes @return JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:506
- →public countMenuChildren() -> integer Number of child menu items
Count the number of child menu items @return integer Number of child menu items @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/html/html.php:479
- →public countModules($condition) -> integer Number of modules found
Count the modules based on the given condition @param string $condition The condition to use @return integer Number of modules found @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/html/html.php:454
- →public def($property, $default = NULL) -> mixed
Sets a default value if not alreay assigned @param string $property The name of the property. @param mixed $default The default value. @return mixed @since 11.1 Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:73
- →public get($property, $default = NULL) -> mixed The value of the property.
Returns a property of the object or the default value if the property is not set. @param string $property The name of the property. @param mixed $default The default value. @return mixed The value of the property. @since 11.1 @see getProperties() Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:91
- →public getBase() -> string
Return the base URI of the document. @return string @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:674
- →public getBuffer($type = NULL, $name = NULL, $attribs = array()) -> The output of the renderer
Get the contents of a document include @param string $type The type of renderer @param string $name The name of the element to render @param array $attribs Associative array of remaining attributes. @return The output of the renderer @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/html/html.php:319
- →public getCharset() -> string
Returns the document charset encoding. @return string @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:562
- →public getDescription() -> string
Return the title of the page. @return string @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:702
- →public getDirection() -> string
Returns the document direction declaration. @return string @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:618
- →public getError($i = NULL, $toString = true) -> string Error message
Get the most recent error message. @param integer $i Option error index. @param boolean $toString Indicates if JError objects should return their error message. @return string Error message @since 11.1 @see JError @deprecated 12.3 JError has been deprecated Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:140
- →public getErrors() -> array Array of error messages or JErrors.
Return all errors, if any. @return array Array of error messages or JErrors. @since 11.1 @see JError @deprecated 12.3 JError has been deprecated Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:176
- →public getGenerator() -> string
Returns the document generator @return string @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:758
- →public getHeadData() -> array The document head data in array form
Get the HTML document head data @return array The document head data in array form @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/html/html.php:121
- →public getLanguage() -> string
Returns the document language. @return string @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:590
- →public getLink() -> string
Returns the document base url @return string @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:730
- →public getMetaData($name, $httpEquiv = false) -> string
Gets a meta tag. @param string $name Value of name or http-equiv tag @param boolean $httpEquiv META type "http-equiv" defaults to null @return string @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:377
- →public getMimeEncoding() -> string
Return the document MIME encoding that is sent to the browser. @return string @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:829
- →public getModifiedDate() -> string
Returns the document modified date @return string @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:786
- →public getProperties($public = true) -> array
Returns an associative array of object properties. @param boolean $public If true, returns only the public properties. @return array @since 11.1 @see get() Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:111
- →public getTitle() -> string
Return the title of the document. @return string @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:646
- →public getType() -> string
Returns the document type @return string @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:333
- →public loadRenderer($type) -> JDocumentRenderer Object or null if class does not exist
Load a renderer @param string $type The renderer type @return JDocumentRenderer Object or null if class does not exist @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:912
- →public mergeHeadData($data) -> JDocumentHTML instance of $this to allow chaining
Merge the HTML document head data @param array $data The document head data in array form @return JDocumentHTML instance of $this to allow chaining @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/html/html.php:176
- →public parse($params = array()) -> JDocumentHTML instance of $this to allow chaining
Parses the template and populates the buffer @param array $params Parameters for fetching the template @return JDocumentHTML instance of $this to allow chaining @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/html/html.php:412
- →public render($caching = false, $params = array()) -> The rendered data
Outputs the template to the browser. @param boolean $caching If true, cache the output @param array $params Associative array of attributes @return The rendered data @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/html/html.php:427
- →public set($property, $value = NULL) -> mixed Previous value of the property.
Modifies a property of the object, creating it if it does not already exist. @param string $property The name of the property. @param mixed $value The value of the property to set. @return mixed Previous value of the property. @since 11.1 Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:191
- →public setBase($base) -> JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining
Sets the base URI of the document @param string $base The base URI to be set @return JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:660
- →public setBuffer($content, $options = array()) -> JDocumentHTML instance of $this to allow chaining
Set the contents a document includes @param string $content The content to be set in the buffer. @param array $options Array of optional elements. @return JDocumentHTML instance of $this to allow chaining @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/html/html.php:387
- →public setCharset($type = utf-8) -> JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining
Sets the document charset @param string $type Charset encoding string @return JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:548
- →public setDescription($description) -> JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining
Sets the description of the document @param string $description The description to set @return JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:688
- →public setDirection($dir = ltr) -> JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining
Sets the global document direction declaration. Default is left-to-right (ltr). @param string $dir The language direction to be set @return JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:604
- →public setError($error) -> void
Add an error message. @param string $error Error message. @return void @since 11.1 @see JError @deprecated 12.3 JError has been deprecated Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:235
- →public setGenerator($generator) -> JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining
Sets the document generator @param string $generator The generator to be set @return JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:744
- →public setHeadData($data) -> JDocumentHTML instance of $this to allow chaining
Set the HTML document head data @param array $data The document head data in array form @return JDocumentHTML instance of $this to allow chaining @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/html/html.php:146
- →public setLanguage($lang = en-gb) -> JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining
Sets the global document language declaration. Default is English (en-gb). @param string $lang The language to be set @return JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:576
- →public setLineEnd($style) -> JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining
Sets the line end style to Windows, Mac, Unix or a custom string. @param string $style "win", "mac", "unix" or custom string. @return JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:843
- →public setLink($url) -> JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining
Sets the document link @param string $url A url @return JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:716
- →public setMetaData($name, $content, $http_equiv = false, $sync = true) -> JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining
Sets or alters a meta tag. @param string $name Value of name or http-equiv tag @param string $content Value of the content tag @param boolean $http_equiv META type "http-equiv" defaults to null @param boolean $sync Should http-equiv="content-type" by synced with HTTP-header? @return JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:416
- →public setMimeEncoding($type = text/html, $sync = true) -> JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining
Sets the document MIME encoding that is sent to the browser. This usually will be text/html because most browsers cannot yet accept the proper mime settings for XHTML: application/xhtml+xml and to a lesser extent application/xml and text/xml. See the W3C note ({@link http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-media-types/ http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-media-types/}) for more details. @param string $type The document type to be sent @param boolean $sync Should the type be synced with HTML? @return JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining @since 11.1 @link http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-media-types Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:809
- →public setModifiedDate($date) -> JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining
Sets the document modified date @param string $date The date to be set @return JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:772
- →public setProperties($properties) -> boolean
Set the object properties based on a named array/hash. @param mixed $properties Either an associative array or another object. @return boolean @since 11.1 @see set() Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:209
- →public setTab($string) -> JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining
Sets the string used to indent HTML @param string $string String used to indent ("\11", "\t", ' ', etc.). @return JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:884
- →public setTitle($title) -> JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining
Sets the title of the document @param string $title The title to be set @return JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:632
- →public setType($type) -> JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining
Set the document type @param string $type Type document is to set to @return JDocument instance of $this to allow chaining @since 11.1 Inherited from JDocument Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/document.php:319
- →public toString() -> string
Converts the object to a string (the class name). @return string @since 11.1 @deprecated 12.1 Use magic method __toString() @see __toString() Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:249
- →protected _fetchTemplate($params = array()) -> JDocumentHTML instance of $this to allow chaining
Fetch the template, and initialise the params @param array $params Parameters to determine the template @return JDocumentHTML instance of $this to allow chaining @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/html/html.php:563
- →protected _loadTemplate($directory, $filename) -> string The contents of the template
Load a template file @param string $directory The name of the template @param string $filename The actual filename @return string The contents of the template @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/html/html.php:517
- →protected _parseTemplate() -> JDocumentHTML instance of $this to allow chaining
Parse a document template @return The parsed contents of the template @return JDocumentHTML instance of $this to allow chaining @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/html/html.php:602
- →protected _renderTemplate() -> string rendered template
Render pre-parsed template @return string rendered template @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/document/html/html.php:644
- public $_buffer :: NULL
- →protected $instances :: array(1)
- 'a:2:{i:0;s:4:"html";i:1;a:5:{s:7:"charset";s:5:"utf-8";s:7:"lineend";s:4:"unix";s:3:"tab";s:2:" ";s:8:"language";s:5:"ru-RU";s:9:"direction";s:3:"ltr";}}' => JDocumentHTML(31) *RECURSION*
- →public user -> JUser(25)
- contents
- Available methods (29)
- Static class properties (1)
- protected isRoot -> NULL
- public id -> integer0
- public name -> NULL
- public username -> NULL
- public email -> NULL
- public password -> NULL
- public password_clear -> string(0) ""
- public usertype -> NULL
- public block -> NULL
- public sendEmail -> integer0
- public registerDate -> NULL
- public lastvisitDate -> NULL
- public activation -> NULL
- public params -> NULL
- public groups -> array(0)
- public guest -> integer1
- public lastResetTime -> NULL
- public resetCount -> NULL
- →protected _params -> JRegistry(1)
- contents
- Available methods (26)
- Static class properties (1)
- protected data -> stdClass(0)
- →public static getInstance($id) -> object The JRegistry object.
Returns a reference to a global JRegistry object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist. This method must be invoked as: <pre>$registry = JRegistry::getInstance($id);</pre> @param string $id An ID for the registry instance @return object The JRegistry object. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:201
- →public __clone() -> JRegistry
Magic function to clone the registry object. @return JRegistry @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:68
- →public __construct($data = NULL)
Constructor @param mixed $data The data to bind to the new JRegistry object. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:45
- →public __toString() -> string
Magic function to render this object as a string using default args of toString method. @return string @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:80
- →public def($key, $default = "") -> string The value set, or the default if the value was not previously set (or null).
Sets a default value if not already assigned. @param string $key The name of the parameter. @param string $default An optional value for the parameter. @return string The value set, or the default if the value was not previously set (or null). @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:95
- →public exists($path) -> boolean
Check if a registry path exists. @param string $path Registry path (e.g. joomla.content.showauthor) @return boolean @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:111
- →public get($path, $default = NULL) -> mixed Value of entry or null
Get a registry value. @param string $path Registry path (e.g. joomla.content.showauthor) @param mixed $default Optional default value, returned if the internal value is null. @return mixed Value of entry or null @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:151
- →public getNameSpaces() -> array List of namespaces
Get the list of namespaces @return array List of namespaces @deprecated 12.1 @note Namespaces are no longer supported. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:556
- →public getValue($path, $default = NULL) -> mixed Value of entry or null
Get a registry value @param string $path Registry path (e.g. joomla.content.showauthor) @param mixed $default Optional default value @return mixed Value of entry or null @deprecated 12.1 @note Use get instead. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:579
- →public loadArray($array) -> boolean True on success
Load a associative array of values into the default namespace @param array $array Associative array of value to load @return boolean True on success @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:220
- →public loadFile($file, $format = JSON, $options = array()) -> boolean True on success
Load the contents of a file into the registry @param string $file Path to file to load @param string $format Format of the file [optional: defaults to JSON] @param mixed $options Options used by the formatter @return boolean True on success @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:254
- →public loadINI($data, $namespace = NULL, $options = array()) -> boolean True on success
Load an INI string into the registry into the given namespace [or default if a namespace is not given] @param string $data INI formatted string to load into the registry @param string $namespace Namespace to load the INI string into [optional] @param mixed $options An array of options for the formatter, or boolean to process sections. @return boolean True on success @since 11.1 @deprecated 12.1 Use loadString passing INI as the format instead. Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:494
- →public loadJSON($data) -> boolean True on success
Load an JSON string into the registry into the given namespace [or default if a namespace is not given] @param string $data JSON formatted string to load into the registry @return boolean True on success @deprecated 12.1 Use loadString passing JSON as the format instead. @note Use loadString instead. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:515
- →public loadObject($object) -> boolean True on success
Load the public variables of the object into the default namespace. @param object $object The object holding the publics to load @return boolean True on success @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:236
- →public loadSetupFile() -> boolean True.
This method is added as an interim solution for API references in the Joomla! CMS 1.6 to the JRegistry object where in 1.5 a JParameter object existed. Because many extensions may call this method we add it here as a means of "pain relief" until the 1.8 release. @return boolean True. @deprecated 12.1 @note Load no longer supported. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:634
- →public loadString($data, $format = JSON, $options = array()) -> boolean True on success
Load a string into the registry @param string $data String to load into the registry @param string $format Format of the string @param mixed $options Options used by the formatter @return boolean True on success @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:274
- →public loadXML($data, $namespace = NULL) -> boolean True on success
Load an XML string into the registry into the given namespace [or default if a namespace is not given] @param string $data XML formatted string to load into the registry @param string $namespace Namespace to load the XML string into [optional] @return boolean True on success @since 11.1 @deprecated 12.1 Use loadString passing XML as the format instead. @note Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:471
- →public makeNameSpace($namespace) -> boolean True on success
Create a namespace @param string $namespace Name of the namespace to create @return boolean True on success @deprecated 12.1 @note Namespaces are no longer supported. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:536
- →public merge(&$source) -> boolean True on success
Merge a JRegistry object into this one @param JRegistry &$source Source JRegistry object to merge. @return boolean True on success @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:294
- →public set($path, $value) -> mixed The value of the that has been set.
Set a registry value. @param string $path Registry Path (e.g. joomla.content.showauthor) @param mixed $value Value of entry @return mixed The value of the that has been set. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:321
- →public setValue($path, $value) -> mixed The value after setting.
Set a registry value @param string $path Registry Path (e.g. joomla.content.showauthor) @param mixed $value Value of entry @return mixed The value after setting. @deprecated 12.1 @note Use set instead. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:607
- →public toArray() -> array An associative array holding the namespace data
Transforms a namespace to an array @return array An associative array holding the namespace data @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:355
- →public toObject() -> object An an object holding the namespace data
Transforms a namespace to an object @return object An an object holding the namespace data @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:367
- →public toString($format = JSON, $options = array()) -> string Namespace in string format
Get a namespace in a given string format @param string $format Format to return the string in @param mixed $options Parameters used by the formatter, see formatters for more info @return string Namespace in string format @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:382
- →protected asArray($data) -> array Array representation of the input object.
Method to recursively convert an object of data to an array. @param object $data An object of data to return as an array. @return array Array representation of the input object. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:435
- →protected bindData(&$parent, $data) -> void
Method to recursively bind data to a parent object. @param object &$parent The parent object on which to attach the data values. @param mixed $data An array or object of data to bind to the parent object. @return void @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:400
- protected $instances :: array(0)
- protected _authGroups -> NULL
- →protected _authLevels -> array(2)
- integer1
- integer1
- protected _authActions -> NULL
- protected _errorMsg -> NULL
- protected _errors -> array(0)
- public aid -> integer0
- →public static getInstance($identifier = 0) -> JUser The User object.
Returns the global User object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist. @param integer $identifier The user to load - Can be an integer or string - If string, it is converted to ID automatically. @return JUser The User object. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/user/user.php:250
- →public static getTable($type = NULL, $prefix = JTable) -> object The user table object
Method to get the user table object This function uses a static variable to store the table name of the user table to instantiate. You can call this function statically to set the table name if needed. @param string $type The user table name to be used @param string $prefix The user table prefix to be used @return object The user table object @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/user/user.php:577
- →public __construct($identifier = 0)
Constructor activating the default information of the language @param integer $identifier The primary key of the user to load (optional). @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/user/user.php:220
- →public __toString() -> string The classname.
Magic method to convert the object to a string gracefully. @return string The classname. @since 11.1 @deprecated 12.3 Classes should provide their own __toString() implementation. Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:58
- →public authorise($action, $assetname = NULL) -> boolean True if authorised
Method to check JUser object authorisation against an access control object and optionally an access extension object @param string $action The name of the action to check for permission. @param string $assetname The name of the asset on which to perform the action. @return boolean True if authorised @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/user/user.php:359
- →public authorisedLevels() -> array
Gets an array of the authorised access levels for the user @return array @deprecated 12.1 @note Use the getAuthorisedViewLevels method instead. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/user/user.php:405
- →public authorize($action, $assetname = NULL) -> boolean True if authorised
Proxy to authorise @param string $action The name of the action to check for permission. @param string $assetname The name of the asset on which to perform the action. @return boolean True if authorised @deprecated 12.1 @note Use the authorise method instead. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/user/user.php:340
- →public bind(&$array) -> boolean True on success
Method to bind an associative array of data to a user object @param array &$array The associative array to bind to the object @return boolean True on success @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/user/user.php:608
- →public def($property, $default = NULL) -> mixed
Sets a default value if not alreay assigned @param string $property The name of the property. @param mixed $default The default value. @return mixed @since 11.1 Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:73
- →public defParam($key, $value) -> mixed Set parameter value
Method to set a default parameter if it does not exist @param string $key Parameter key @param mixed $value Parameter value @return mixed Set parameter value @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/user/user.php:323
- →public delete() -> boolean True on success
Method to delete the JUser object from the database @return boolean True on success @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/user/user.php:857
- →public get($property, $default = NULL) -> mixed The value of the property.
Returns a property of the object or the default value if the property is not set. @param string $property The name of the property. @param mixed $default The default value. @return mixed The value of the property. @since 11.1 @see getProperties() Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:91
- →public getAuthorisedCategories($component, $action) -> array List of categories that this group can do this action to (empty array if none). Categories must be published.
Method to return a list of all categories that a user has permission for a given action @param string $component The component from which to retrieve the categories @param string $action The name of the section within the component from which to retrieve the actions. @return array List of categories that this group can do this action to (empty array if none). Categories must be published. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/user/user.php:423
- →public getAuthorisedGroups() -> array
Gets an array of the authorised user groups @return array @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/user/user.php:471
- →public getAuthorisedViewLevels() -> array
Gets an array of the authorised access levels for the user @return array @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/user/user.php:450
- →public getError($i = NULL, $toString = true) -> string Error message
Get the most recent error message. @param integer $i Option error index. @param boolean $toString Indicates if JError objects should return their error message. @return string Error message @since 11.1 @see JError @deprecated 12.3 JError has been deprecated Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:140
- →public getErrors() -> array Array of error messages or JErrors.
Return all errors, if any. @return array Array of error messages or JErrors. @since 11.1 @see JError @deprecated 12.3 JError has been deprecated Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:176
- →public getParam($key, $default = NULL) -> mixed The value or the default if it did not exist
Method to get a parameter value @param string $key Parameter key @param mixed $default Parameter default value @return mixed The value or the default if it did not exist @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/user/user.php:293
- →public getParameters($loadsetupfile = false, $path = NULL) -> object The user parameters object.
Method to get the user parameters This function tries to load an XML file based on the user's usertype. The filename of the xml file is the same as the usertype. The functionals has a static variable to store the parameters setup file base path. You can call this function statically to set the base path if needed. @param boolean $loadsetupfile If true, loads the parameters setup file. Default is false. @param path $path Set the parameters setup file base path to be used to load the user parameters. @return object The user parameters object. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/user/user.php:517
- →public getProperties($public = true) -> array
Returns an associative array of object properties. @param boolean $public If true, returns only the public properties. @return array @since 11.1 @see get() Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:111
- →public load($id) -> boolean True on success
Method to load a JUser object by user id number @param mixed $id The user id of the user to load @return boolean True on success @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/user/user.php:889
- →public save($updateOnly = false) -> boolean True on success
Method to save the JUser object to the database @param boolean $updateOnly Save the object only if not a new user Currently only used in the user reset password method. @return boolean True on success @since 11.1 @throws exception Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/user/user.php:718
- →public set($property, $value = NULL) -> mixed Previous value of the property.
Modifies a property of the object, creating it if it does not already exist. @param string $property The name of the property. @param mixed $value The value of the property to set. @return mixed Previous value of the property. @since 11.1 Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:191
- →public setError($error) -> void
Add an error message. @param string $error Error message. @return void @since 11.1 @see JError @deprecated 12.3 JError has been deprecated Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:235
- →public setLastVisit($timestamp = NULL) -> boolean True on success.
Pass through method to the table for setting the last visit date @param integer $timestamp The timestamp, defaults to 'now'. @return boolean True on success. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/user/user.php:494
- →public setParam($key, $value) -> mixed Set parameter value
Method to set a parameter @param string $key Parameter key @param mixed $value Parameter value @return mixed Set parameter value @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/user/user.php:308
- →public setParameters($params) -> void
Method to get the user parameters @param object $params The user parameters object @return void @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/user/user.php:558
- →public setProperties($properties) -> boolean
Set the object properties based on a named array/hash. @param mixed $properties Either an associative array or another object. @return boolean @since 11.1 @see set() Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:209
- →public toString() -> string
Converts the object to a string (the class name). @return string @since 11.1 @deprecated 12.1 Use magic method __toString() @see __toString() Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:249
- protected $instances :: array(0)
- public guest -> boolTRUE
- →public params -> JRegistry(1)
- contents
- Available methods (26)
- Static class properties (1)
- protected data -> stdClass(0)
- →public static getInstance($id) -> object The JRegistry object.
Returns a reference to a global JRegistry object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist. This method must be invoked as: <pre>$registry = JRegistry::getInstance($id);</pre> @param string $id An ID for the registry instance @return object The JRegistry object. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:201
- →public __clone() -> JRegistry
Magic function to clone the registry object. @return JRegistry @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:68
- →public __construct($data = NULL)
Constructor @param mixed $data The data to bind to the new JRegistry object. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:45
- →public __toString() -> string
Magic function to render this object as a string using default args of toString method. @return string @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:80
- →public def($key, $default = "") -> string The value set, or the default if the value was not previously set (or null).
Sets a default value if not already assigned. @param string $key The name of the parameter. @param string $default An optional value for the parameter. @return string The value set, or the default if the value was not previously set (or null). @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:95
- →public exists($path) -> boolean
Check if a registry path exists. @param string $path Registry path (e.g. joomla.content.showauthor) @return boolean @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:111
- →public get($path, $default = NULL) -> mixed Value of entry or null
Get a registry value. @param string $path Registry path (e.g. joomla.content.showauthor) @param mixed $default Optional default value, returned if the internal value is null. @return mixed Value of entry or null @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:151
- →public getNameSpaces() -> array List of namespaces
Get the list of namespaces @return array List of namespaces @deprecated 12.1 @note Namespaces are no longer supported. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:556
- →public getValue($path, $default = NULL) -> mixed Value of entry or null
Get a registry value @param string $path Registry path (e.g. joomla.content.showauthor) @param mixed $default Optional default value @return mixed Value of entry or null @deprecated 12.1 @note Use get instead. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:579
- →public loadArray($array) -> boolean True on success
Load a associative array of values into the default namespace @param array $array Associative array of value to load @return boolean True on success @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:220
- →public loadFile($file, $format = JSON, $options = array()) -> boolean True on success
Load the contents of a file into the registry @param string $file Path to file to load @param string $format Format of the file [optional: defaults to JSON] @param mixed $options Options used by the formatter @return boolean True on success @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:254
- →public loadINI($data, $namespace = NULL, $options = array()) -> boolean True on success
Load an INI string into the registry into the given namespace [or default if a namespace is not given] @param string $data INI formatted string to load into the registry @param string $namespace Namespace to load the INI string into [optional] @param mixed $options An array of options for the formatter, or boolean to process sections. @return boolean True on success @since 11.1 @deprecated 12.1 Use loadString passing INI as the format instead. Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:494
- →public loadJSON($data) -> boolean True on success
Load an JSON string into the registry into the given namespace [or default if a namespace is not given] @param string $data JSON formatted string to load into the registry @return boolean True on success @deprecated 12.1 Use loadString passing JSON as the format instead. @note Use loadString instead. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:515
- →public loadObject($object) -> boolean True on success
Load the public variables of the object into the default namespace. @param object $object The object holding the publics to load @return boolean True on success @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:236
- →public loadSetupFile() -> boolean True.
This method is added as an interim solution for API references in the Joomla! CMS 1.6 to the JRegistry object where in 1.5 a JParameter object existed. Because many extensions may call this method we add it here as a means of "pain relief" until the 1.8 release. @return boolean True. @deprecated 12.1 @note Load no longer supported. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:634
- →public loadString($data, $format = JSON, $options = array()) -> boolean True on success
Load a string into the registry @param string $data String to load into the registry @param string $format Format of the string @param mixed $options Options used by the formatter @return boolean True on success @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:274
- →public loadXML($data, $namespace = NULL) -> boolean True on success
Load an XML string into the registry into the given namespace [or default if a namespace is not given] @param string $data XML formatted string to load into the registry @param string $namespace Namespace to load the XML string into [optional] @return boolean True on success @since 11.1 @deprecated 12.1 Use loadString passing XML as the format instead. @note Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:471
- →public makeNameSpace($namespace) -> boolean True on success
Create a namespace @param string $namespace Name of the namespace to create @return boolean True on success @deprecated 12.1 @note Namespaces are no longer supported. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:536
- →public merge(&$source) -> boolean True on success
Merge a JRegistry object into this one @param JRegistry &$source Source JRegistry object to merge. @return boolean True on success @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:294
- →public set($path, $value) -> mixed The value of the that has been set.
Set a registry value. @param string $path Registry Path (e.g. joomla.content.showauthor) @param mixed $value Value of entry @return mixed The value of the that has been set. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:321
- →public setValue($path, $value) -> mixed The value after setting.
Set a registry value @param string $path Registry Path (e.g. joomla.content.showauthor) @param mixed $value Value of entry @return mixed The value after setting. @deprecated 12.1 @note Use set instead. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:607
- →public toArray() -> array An associative array holding the namespace data
Transforms a namespace to an array @return array An associative array holding the namespace data @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:355
- →public toObject() -> object An an object holding the namespace data
Transforms a namespace to an object @return object An an object holding the namespace data @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:367
- →public toString($format = JSON, $options = array()) -> string Namespace in string format
Get a namespace in a given string format @param string $format Format to return the string in @param mixed $options Parameters used by the formatter, see formatters for more info @return string Namespace in string format @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:382
- →protected asArray($data) -> array Array representation of the input object.
Method to recursively convert an object of data to an array. @param object $data An object of data to return as an array. @return array Array representation of the input object. @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:435
- →protected bindData(&$parent, $data) -> void
Method to recursively bind data to a parent object. @param object &$parent The parent object on which to attach the data values. @param mixed $data An array or object of data to bind to the parent object. @return void @since 11.1 Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php:400
- protected $instances :: array(0)
- public source -> string(9) "component"
- public showMenu -> integer1
- public type -> string(8) "category"
- public Itemid -> integer140
- public uniqueid -> integer3
- →public category -> stdClass(16)
- public id -> string(1) "3"
- public ordering -> string(1) "2"
- public name -> string UTF-8(14) "Художественная"
- public alias -> string(17) "khudozhestvennaya"
- public profile -> string(1) "1"
- public parent -> string(1) "1"
- public menu_image_filename -> string(0) ""
- public menu_description -> string(0) ""
- public gallery_description -> string(0) ""
- public user -> string(3) "725"
- public published -> string(1) "1"
- public date -> string(19) "2018-08-31 11:58:59"
- public hits -> string(4) "1350"
- public publish_up -> string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00"
- public publish_down -> string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00"
- public moderate -> string(1) "1"
- →public profile -> stdClass(117)
- public id -> string(1) "1"
- public ordering -> string(1) "1"
- public name -> string UTF-8(10) "Фотосъемка"
- public img_quality -> string(2) "80"
- public published -> string(1) "1"
- public menu_max_width -> string(3) "200"
- public menu_max_height -> string(3) "150"
- public columns -> string(1) "2"
- public show_large_image -> string(1) "1"
- public max_width -> string(3) "600"
- public max_height -> string(3) "450"
- public img_container_width -> string(1) "0"
- public img_container_height -> string(1) "0"
- public fade_duration -> string(2) "50"
- public preload -> string(1) "1"
- public magnify -> string(1) "1"
- public show_thumbs -> string(1) "1"
- public thumb_width -> string(3) "120"
- public thumb_height -> string(2) "90"
- public crop_thumbs -> string(1) "1"
- public thumb_position -> string(5) "below"
- public thumb_container_width -> string(1) "0"
- public thumb_container_height -> string(1) "0"
- public images_per_row -> string(1) "0"
- public thumb_scrollbar -> string(1) "1"
- public arrows_up_down -> string(1) "0"
- public arrows_left_right -> string(1) "0"
- public scroll_speed -> string(4) "0.07"
- public scroll_boundary -> string(3) "200"
- public gallery_des_position -> string(5) "below"
- public allow_comments -> string(1) "0"
- public allow_rating -> string(1) "0"
- public align -> string(4) "left"
- public style -> string(18) "grey-border-shadow"
- public show_slideshow_controls -> string(1) "0"
- public slideshow_autostart -> string(1) "0"
- public slideshow_pause -> string(4) "3000"
- public show_descriptions -> string(1) "1"
- public photo_des_position -> string(5) "below"
- public photo_des_width -> string(1) "0"
- public photo_des_height -> string(2) "40"
- public lightbox -> string(1) "1"
- public lbox_max_width -> string(3) "800"
- public lbox_max_height -> string(3) "600"
- public lbox_img_container_width -> string(1) "0"
- public lbox_img_container_height -> string(1) "0"
- public lbox_fade_duration -> string(2) "50"
- public lbox_preload -> string(1) "1"
- public lbox_show_thumbs -> string(1) "1"
- public lbox_thumb_width -> string(3) "120"
- public lbox_thumb_height -> string(2) "90"
- public lbox_crop_thumbs -> string(1) "1"
- public lbox_thumb_position -> string(5) "below"
- public lbox_thumb_container_width -> string(1) "0"
- public lbox_thumb_container_height -> string(1) "0"
- public lbox_images_per_row -> string(1) "0"
- public lbox_thumb_scrollbar -> string(1) "1"
- public lbox_arrows_left_right -> string(1) "0"
- public lbox_arrows_up_down -> string(1) "0"
- public lbox_scroll_speed -> string(4) "0.07"
- public lbox_scroll_boundary -> string(3) "200"
- public lbox_allow_comments -> string(1) "0"
- public lbox_allow_rating -> string(1) "0"
- public lbox_close_position -> string(5) "below"
- public lbox_show_slideshow_controls -> string(1) "0"
- public lbox_slideshow_autostart -> string(1) "0"
- public lbox_slideshow_pause -> string(4) "3000"
- public lbox_show_descriptions -> string(1) "1"
- public lbox_photo_des_position -> string(5) "below"
- public lbox_photo_des_width -> string(1) "0"
- public lbox_photo_des_height -> string(2) "40"
- public watermark -> string(1) "0"
- public watermark_position -> string(12) "right_bottom"
- public watermark_transparency -> string(3) "100"
- public watermark_filename -> string(0) ""
- public download_image -> string(4) "none"
- public lbox_download_image -> string(4) "none"
- public show_search -> string(1) "0"
- public show_cat_title -> string(1) "0"
- public crop_menu -> string(1) "1"
- public crop_main -> string(1) "0"
- public crop_lbox -> string(1) "0"
- public menu_pagination -> string(1) "0"
- public menu_pagination_amount -> string(2) "20"
- public round_large -> string(1) "0"
- public round_thumb -> string(1) "0"
- public round_fill -> string(11) "255,255,255"
- public round_menu -> string(1) "0"
- public refresh_mode -> string(4) "hash"
- public show_tags -> string(1) "0"
- public lbox_show_tags -> string(1) "0"
- public watermark_text -> string(0) ""
- public watermark_text_color -> string(11) "255,255,255"
- public watermark_text_size -> string(2) "16"
- public share_facebook -> string(1) "0"
- public lbox_share_facebook -> string(1) "0"
- public menu_image_defaults -> string(1) "1"
- public report_image -> string(1) "0"
- public lbox_report_image -> string(1) "0"
- public thumb_pagination -> string(1) "0"
- public thumb_pagination_amount -> string(2) "20"
- public lbox_scalable -> string(1) "0"
- public access -> string(1) "1"
- public menu_access -> string(1) "1"
- public show_category_hits -> string(1) "0"
- public search_results -> string(6) "joomla"
- public asset_id -> string(3) "287"
- public slideshow_position -> string(5) "below"
- public lbox_slideshow_position -> string(5) "below"
- public show_filename -> string(4) "none"
- public lbox_show_filename -> string(4) "none"
- public show_numbering -> string(1) "0"
- public lbox_show_numbering -> string(1) "0"
- public show_thumb_info -> string(4) "none"
- public lbox_show_thumb_info -> string(4) "none"
- public plus_one -> string(1) "0"
- public lbox_plus_one -> string(1) "0"
- public registerLink -> string(43) "index.php?option=com_user&task=register"
- public categoryChildren -> array(0)
- →public photoList -> array(6)
- →stdClass(22)
- public id -> string(3) "212"
- public gallery_id -> string(1) "3"
- public ordering -> string(1) "1"
- public date -> string(19) "2018-08-31 16:11:48"
- public filename -> string(15) "hudog_5-212.jpg"
- public description -> string(0) ""
- public tags -> string(0) ""
- public alt_text -> string(0) ""
- public link -> string(0) ""
- public target_blank -> string(1) "1"
- public user -> string(3) "725"
- public access -> string(1) "1"
- public published -> string(1) "1"
- public rotation -> string(1) "0"
- public hits -> string(1) "0"
- public menu_image -> string(1) "0"
- public publish_up -> string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00"
- public publish_down -> string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00"
- public moderate -> string(1) "1"
- public name -> string UTF-8(14) "Художественная"
- public thumb_pagination_amount -> string(2) "20"
- public thumb_pagination -> string(1) "0"
- →stdClass(22)
- public id -> string(3) "213"
- public gallery_id -> string(1) "3"
- public ordering -> string(1) "2"
- public date -> string(19) "2018-08-31 16:11:48"
- public filename -> string(15) "hudog_1-213.jpg"
- public description -> string(0) ""
- public tags -> string(0) ""
- public alt_text -> string(0) ""
- public link -> string(0) ""
- public target_blank -> string(1) "1"
- public user -> string(3) "725"
- public access -> string(1) "1"
- public published -> string(1) "1"
- public rotation -> string(1) "0"
- public hits -> string(1) "0"
- public menu_image -> string(1) "0"
- public publish_up -> string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00"
- public publish_down -> string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00"
- public moderate -> string(1) "1"
- public name -> string UTF-8(14) "Художественная"
- public thumb_pagination_amount -> string(2) "20"
- public thumb_pagination -> string(1) "0"
- →stdClass(22)
- public id -> string(3) "214"
- public gallery_id -> string(1) "3"
- public ordering -> string(1) "3"
- public date -> string(19) "2018-08-31 16:11:48"
- public filename -> string(15) "hudog_2-214.jpg"
- public description -> string(0) ""
- public tags -> string(0) ""
- public alt_text -> string(0) ""
- public link -> string(0) ""
- public target_blank -> string(1) "1"
- public user -> string(3) "725"
- public access -> string(1) "1"
- public published -> string(1) "1"
- public rotation -> string(1) "0"
- public hits -> string(1) "0"
- public menu_image -> string(1) "0"
- public publish_up -> string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00"
- public publish_down -> string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00"
- public moderate -> string(1) "1"
- public name -> string UTF-8(14) "Художественная"
- public thumb_pagination_amount -> string(2) "20"
- public thumb_pagination -> string(1) "0"
- →stdClass(22)
- public id -> string(3) "215"
- public gallery_id -> string(1) "3"
- public ordering -> string(1) "4"
- public date -> string(19) "2018-08-31 16:11:48"
- public filename -> string(15) "hudog_3-215.jpg"
- public description -> string(0) ""
- public tags -> string(0) ""
- public alt_text -> string(0) ""
- public link -> string(0) ""
- public target_blank -> string(1) "1"
- public user -> string(3) "725"
- public access -> string(1) "1"
- public published -> string(1) "1"
- public rotation -> string(1) "0"
- public hits -> string(1) "0"
- public menu_image -> string(1) "0"
- public publish_up -> string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00"
- public publish_down -> string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00"
- public moderate -> string(1) "1"
- public name -> string UTF-8(14) "Художественная"
- public thumb_pagination_amount -> string(2) "20"
- public thumb_pagination -> string(1) "0"
- →stdClass(22)
- public id -> string(3) "216"
- public gallery_id -> string(1) "3"
- public ordering -> string(1) "5"
- public date -> string(19) "2018-08-31 16:11:48"
- public filename -> string(15) "hudog_4-216.jpg"
- public description -> string(0) ""
- public tags -> string(0) ""
- public alt_text -> string(0) ""
- public link -> string(0) ""
- public target_blank -> string(1) "1"
- public user -> string(3) "725"
- public access -> string(1) "1"
- public published -> string(1) "1"
- public rotation -> string(1) "0"
- public hits -> string(1) "0"
- public menu_image -> string(1) "0"
- public publish_up -> string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00"
- public publish_down -> string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00"
- public moderate -> string(1) "1"
- public name -> string UTF-8(14) "Художественная"
- public thumb_pagination_amount -> string(2) "20"
- public thumb_pagination -> string(1) "0"
- →stdClass(22)
- public id -> string(3) "234"
- public gallery_id -> string(1) "3"
- public ordering -> string(1) "6"
- public date -> string(19) "2018-10-03 14:07:43"
- public filename -> string(24) "DSC_6479_______2-234.jpg"
- public description -> string(0) ""
- public tags -> string(0) ""
- public alt_text -> string(0) ""
- public link -> string(0) ""
- public target_blank -> string(1) "1"
- public user -> string(3) "725"
- public access -> string(1) "1"
- public published -> string(1) "1"
- public rotation -> string(1) "0"
- public hits -> string(1) "0"
- public menu_image -> string(1) "0"
- public publish_up -> string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00"
- public publish_down -> string(19) "0000-00-00 00:00:00"
- public moderate -> string(1) "1"
- public name -> string UTF-8(14) "Художественная"
- public thumb_pagination_amount -> string(2) "20"
- public thumb_pagination -> string(1) "0"
- →public thumbFiles -> array(6)
fullFileName folderName width height #1 "hudog_5-212-120-90-80-c.jpg" "201-300" 120 90 #2 "hudog_1-213-120-90-80-c.jpg" "201-300" 120 90 #3 "hudog_2-214-120-90-80-c.jpg" "201-300" 120 90 #4 "hudog_3-215-120-90-80-c.jpg" "201-300" 120 90 #5 "hudog_4-216-120-90-80-c.jpg" "201-300" 120 90 #6 "DSC_6479_______2-234-120-90-80-c.jpg" "201-300" 120 90
- →public mainFiles -> array(6)
fullFileName folderName width height #1 "hudog_5-212-600-450-80.jpg" "201-300" 298 450 #2 "hudog_1-213-600-450-80.jpg" "201-300" 600 399 #3 "hudog_2-214-600-450-80.jpg" "201-300" 600 399 #4 "hudog_3-215-600-450-80.jpg" "201-300" 300 450 #5 "hudog_4-216-600-450-80.jpg" "201-300" 299 450 #6 "DSC_6479_______2-234-600-450-80.jpg" "201-300" 600 399
- →public lboxFiles -> array(6)
fullFileName folderName width height #1 "hudog_5-212-800-600-80.jpg" "201-300" 398 600 #2 "hudog_1-213-800-600-80.jpg" "201-300" 800 532 #3 "hudog_2-214-800-600-80.jpg" "201-300" 800 532 #4 "hudog_3-215-800-600-80.jpg" "201-300" 400 600 #5 "hudog_4-216-800-600-80.jpg" "201-300" 399 600 #6 "DSC_6479_______2-234-800-600-80.jpg" "201-300" 800 532
- →public lboxThumbFiles -> array(6)
fullFileName folderName width height #1 "hudog_5-212-120-90-80-c.jpg" "201-300" 120 90 #2 "hudog_1-213-120-90-80-c.jpg" "201-300" 120 90 #3 "hudog_2-214-120-90-80-c.jpg" "201-300" 120 90 #4 "hudog_3-215-120-90-80-c.jpg" "201-300" 120 90 #5 "hudog_4-216-120-90-80-c.jpg" "201-300" 120 90 #6 "DSC_6479_______2-234-120-90-80-c.jpg" "201-300" 120 90
- →public dimensions -> array(6)
- 'largestWidth' => integer614
- 'largestHeight' => integer464
- 'galleryWidth' => integer624
- 'largestLboxWidth' => integer814
- 'largestLboxHeight' => integer614
- 'galleryLboxWidth' => integer824
- →public thumbsVars -> stdClass(8)
- public thumb_scrollbar -> string(1) "1"
- public images_per_row -> string(1) "0"
- public prefix -> string(4) "lbox"
- public arrows_left_right -> string(1) "0"
- public arrows_up_down -> string(1) "0"
- →public thumb_array -> array(6)
fullFileName folderName width height #1 "hudog_5-212-120-90-80-c.jpg" "201-300" 120 90 #2 "hudog_1-213-120-90-80-c.jpg" "201-300" 120 90 #3 "hudog_2-214-120-90-80-c.jpg" "201-300" 120 90 #4 "hudog_3-215-120-90-80-c.jpg" "201-300" 120 90 #5 "hudog_4-216-120-90-80-c.jpg" "201-300" 120 90 #6 "DSC_6479_______2-234-120-90-80-c.jpg" "201-300" 120 90
- public thumb_container_width -> integer824
- public thumb_container_height -> string(1) "0"
- →public desVars -> stdClass(3)
- public prefix -> string(4) "lbox"
- public des_container_width -> integer824
- public photo_des_height -> string(2) "40"
- →public ratingsVars -> stdClass(1)
- public prefix -> string(4) "lbox"
- →public __construct($config = array())
Constructor @param array $config A named configuration array for object construction.<br/> name: the name (optional) of the view (defaults to the view class name suffix).<br/> charset: the character set to use for display<br/> escape: the name (optional) of the function to use for escaping strings<br/> base_path: the parent path (optional) of the views directory (defaults to the component folder)<br/> template_plath: the path (optional) of the layout directory (defaults to base_path + /views/ + view name<br/> helper_path: the path (optional) of the helper files (defaults to base_path + /helpers/)<br/> layout: the layout (optional) to use to display the view<br/> @since 11.1 Inherited from JView Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/view.php:121
- →public __toString() -> string The classname.
Magic method to convert the object to a string gracefully. @return string The classname. @since 11.1 @deprecated 12.3 Classes should provide their own __toString() implementation. Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:58
- →public addHelperPath($path) -> void
Adds to the stack of helper script paths in LIFO order. @param mixed $path A directory path or an array of paths. @return void @since 11.1 Inherited from JView Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/view.php:577
- →public addTemplatePath($path) -> void
Adds to the stack of view script paths in LIFO order. @param mixed $path A directory path or an array of paths. @return void @since 11.1 Inherited from JView Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/view.php:563
- →public assign() -> boolean True on success, false on failure.
Assigns variables to the view script via differing strategies. This method is overloaded; you can assign all the properties of an object, an associative array, or a single value by name. You are not allowed to set variables that begin with an underscore; these are either private properties for JView or private variables within the template script itself. <code> $view = new JView; // Assign directly $view->var1 = 'something'; $view->var2 = 'else'; // Assign by name and value $view->assign('var1', 'something'); $view->assign('var2', 'else'); // Assign by assoc-array $ary = array('var1' => 'something', 'var2' => 'else'); $view->assign($obj); // Assign by object $obj = new stdClass; $obj->var1 = 'something'; $obj->var2 = 'else'; $view->assign($obj); </code> @return boolean True on success, false on failure. Inherited from JView Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/view.php:249
- →public assignRef($key, &$val) -> boolean True on success, false on failure.
Assign variable for the view (by reference). You are not allowed to set variables that begin with an underscore; these are either private properties for JView or private variables within the template script itself. <code> $view = new JView; // Assign by name and value $view->assignRef('var1', $ref); // Assign directly $view->ref = &$var1; </code> @param string $key The name for the reference in the view. @param mixed &$val The referenced variable. @return boolean True on success, false on failure. @since 11.1 Inherited from JView Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/view.php:320
- →public def($property, $default = NULL) -> mixed
Sets a default value if not alreay assigned @param string $property The name of the property. @param mixed $default The default value. @return mixed @since 11.1 Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:73
- →public display($tpl = NULL)
Defined in <ROOT>/components/com_igallery/views/category/view.html.php:8
- →public escape($var) -> mixed The escaped value.
Escapes a value for output in a view script. If escaping mechanism is either htmlspecialchars or htmlentities, uses {@link $_encoding} setting. @param mixed $var The output to escape. @return mixed The escaped value. @since 11.1 Inherited from JView Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/view.php:343
- →public get($property, $default = NULL) -> mixed The return value of the method
Method to get data from a registered model or a property of the view @param string $property The name of the method to call on the model or the property to get @param string $default The name of the model to reference or the default value [optional] @return mixed The return value of the method @since 11.1 Inherited from JView Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/view.php:363
- →public getError($i = NULL, $toString = true) -> string Error message
Get the most recent error message. @param integer $i Option error index. @param boolean $toString Indicates if JError objects should return their error message. @return string Error message @since 11.1 @see JError @deprecated 12.3 JError has been deprecated Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:140
- →public getErrors() -> array Array of error messages or JErrors.
Return all errors, if any. @return array Array of error messages or JErrors. @since 11.1 @see JError @deprecated 12.3 JError has been deprecated Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:176
- →public getLayout() -> string The layout name
Get the layout. @return string The layout name Inherited from JView Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/view.php:421
- →public getLayoutTemplate() -> string The layout template name
Get the layout template. @return string The layout template name Inherited from JView Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/view.php:431
- →public getModel($name = NULL) -> mixed JModel object
Method to get the model object @param string $name The name of the model (optional) @return mixed JModel object @since 11.1 Inherited from JView Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/view.php:407
- →public getName() -> string The name of the model
Method to get the view name The model name by default parsed using the classname, or it can be set by passing a $config['name'] in the class constructor @return string The name of the model @since 11.1 Inherited from JView Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/view.php:446
- →public getProperties($public = true) -> array
Returns an associative array of object properties. @param boolean $public If true, returns only the public properties. @return array @since 11.1 @see get() Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:111
- →public loadHelper($hlp = NULL) -> void
Load a helper file @param string $hlp The name of the helper source file automatically searches the helper paths and compiles as needed. @return void @since 11.1 Inherited from JView Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/view.php:671
- →public loadTemplate($tpl = NULL) -> string The output of the the template script.
Load a template file -- first look in the templates folder for an override @param string $tpl The name of the template source file; automatically searches the template paths and compiles as needed. @return string The output of the the template script. @since 11.1 Inherited from JView Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/view.php:591
- →public set($property, $value = NULL) -> mixed Previous value of the property.
Modifies a property of the object, creating it if it does not already exist. @param string $property The name of the property. @param mixed $value The value of the property to set. @return mixed Previous value of the property. @since 11.1 Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:191
- →public setError($error) -> void
Add an error message. @param string $error Error message. @return void @since 11.1 @see JError @deprecated 12.3 JError has been deprecated Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:235
- →public setEscape($spec) -> void
Sets the _escape() callback. @param mixed $spec The callback for _escape() to use. @return void @since 11.1 Inherited from JView Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/view.php:549
- →public setLayout($layout) -> string Previous value.
Sets the layout name to use @param string $layout The layout name or a string in format <template>:<layout file> @return string Previous value. @since 11.1 Inherited from JView Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/view.php:500
- →public setLayoutExt($value) -> string Previous value
Allows a different extension for the layout files to be used @param string $value The extension. @return string Previous value @since 11.1 Inherited from JView Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/view.php:529
- →public setModel(&$model, $default = false) -> object The added model.
Method to add a model to the view. We support a multiple model single view system by which models are referenced by classname. A caveat to the classname referencing is that any classname prepended by JModel will be referenced by the name without JModel, eg. JModelCategory is just Category. @param JModel &$model The model to add to the view. @param boolean $default Is this the default model? @return object The added model. @since 11.1 Inherited from JView Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/view.php:479
- →public setProperties($properties) -> boolean
Set the object properties based on a named array/hash. @param mixed $properties Either an associative array or another object. @return boolean @since 11.1 @see set() Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:209
- →public toString() -> string
Converts the object to a string (the class name). @return string @since 11.1 @deprecated 12.1 Use magic method __toString() @see __toString() Inherited from JObject Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/base/object.php:249
- →protected _addPath($type, $path) -> void
Adds to the search path for templates and resources. @param string $type The type of path to add. @param mixed $path The directory or stream, or an array of either, to search. @return void @since 11.1 Inherited from JView Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/view.php:733
- →protected _createFileName($type, $parts = array()) -> string The filename
Create the filename for a resource @param string $type The resource type to create the filename for @param array $parts An associative array of filename information @return string The filename @since 11.1 Inherited from JView Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/view.php:766
- →protected _setPath($type, $path) -> void
Sets an entire array of search paths for templates or resources. @param string $type The type of path to set, typically 'template'. @param mixed $path The new search path, or an array of search paths. If null or false, resets to the current directory only. @return void @since 11.1 Inherited from JView Defined in <ROOT>/libraries/joomla/application/component/view.php:697